(Clearwisdom.net) Falun Gong information posters can always be seen in Lucerne's Mublenplatz Square. On the 5th of May 2007, Swiss Falun Gong practitioners went to Mublenplatz to support an activity held by the local 'Quitting the CCP Service Centre' to mark 21 million withdrawals from the CCP.
Different posters exposed the fact that in the 58 years since the CCP came to power, it has killed eighty million innocent people. From July 20,1999 until today, the CCP has been brutally persecuting over 100 million Falun Gong practitioners. The recent revelation that the CCP has been harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners is even more shocking and horrible.
It was raining heavily, but people viewed the information boards in the rain, and many asked for leaflets and further information. Two young men told us after studying our display, "We are students of a Chinese martial arts school. Please give us some petition forms. We will distribute them to other students at our school and help more people know how evil the CCP is, and ask them to sign the petition to condemn the CCP".

Passers-by signed the petition forms in the rain
A gentleman said angrily after viewing the pictures, "Heaven will punish the CCP for sure. Everyone has seen that there are no human rights under the CCP. The CCP thinks that it's very clever, making people believe that its human rights conditions have improved by releasing one or two prisoners just before the Olympics. This is fooling nobody." He signed the petition to condemn the CCP's crimes before leaving.
When a Swiss middle-aged woman was informed that the CCP harvests organs from living Falun Gong practitioners to make money, she was shocked and said, "This is too brutal, but I believe it is what the CCP has done. I am very sorry about what has happened to Falun Gong." She said that she would contact Amnesty International and urge them to pay attention to this affair.
On that day, there were also a lot of Chinese tourists passing by the information stall. They were shocked when they saw the practitioners' banners. Some of the practitioners went to talk with the Chinese tourists and to persuade them to quit the CCP. Lots of them said that they understood in their hearts that by now, nobody really believes in the CCP. When practitioners suggested that they quit the party, some agreed to do so immediately, and some said that they would quit on the Internet when they got back. There were also some who did not dare to accept our material. The practitioners then talked to them further about the facts about Falun Gong and exposed the CCP's crimes.