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Learning How to Clarify the Truth

June 01, 2007 |   By Quanqiyi


During my face-to-face truth-clarification, I have taken different approaches when talking to different people and I have achieved very good results. Many people have immediately quit the Communist Party and its affiliates when they have learned the truth. They would nod or shake hands with me and say, "Thank you." I learned many ways of explaining the facts of Falun Dafa during this process. However, a few days ago when I talked to someone, I misquoted the facts, which almost halted my truth-clarification efforts at that time. Here is what happened.

A few days ago, a senior person from another area came to my workplace and was looking for one of my coworkers. I warmly helped him. While we were waiting for that coworker of mine, I started to chat with him, "It's dangerous to work in a mine." He said, "Tell me about it!" I said, "I heard of the collapse incident that happened in the Jixi Mine. More than 160 people were trapped. However, there were a few Falun Dafa practitioners who didn't get hurt at all. One of them even helped another three workers out."

I thought he would be deeply moved. But he said, "Collapse and gas explosion are two different things." Then he started to explain how those two terminologies differ. He said, "I know about the Jixi Mine tragedy that happened in June 2002. More than 100 people were in that mine including the General Manager of the Jixi Mine Industrial Group and the Director of the Chengzihe Mine of the Jixi Mine Industrial Group who were visiting there. They all died when the gas exploded. I worked in a mine for dozens of years and I know very clearly the difference between a collapse and a gas explosion."

I was surprised by his strong memory and his knowledge and didn't know what to say. He then said, "This Party is too corrupt. They waste so much money. They could have used the money that they wasted to replace the old facilities in the mine. Then the tragedy wouldn't have happened!"

I said, "Right, that is right. This Party is too corrupt." Then I continued to clarify the truth to him. At that time, my coworker came by. This senior person began to leave with him, then he returned, shook hands with me and said, "Thank you so much!"

After work, I went to the Clearwisdom website and found that I had mistakenly took the gas explosion incident at the Dongfeng Mine at Qitaihe City in Heilongjiang Province as the Jixi Mine tragedy. The Dongfeng Mine incident happened on November 27, 2005 when more than 160 people were trapped. A few workers that were Falun Dafa practitioners didn't get hurt and one of them helped three coworkers out. When the gas exploded, that Falun Dafa practitioner said to his coworkers, "Do not be frightened. Let's shout loudly 'Wonderful Falun Dafa!'" Two of his coworkers didn't believe him and didn't shout. Eventually, those two people died and the other three people who shouted "Wonderful Falun Dafa!" all survived.

I came to realize that I didn't really understand those terminologies yet I pretended I did. This should be avoided when we clarify the truth. Generally, when I read articles published on Clearwisdom, Epoch Times, and Dongtai websites, I pay extra attention to those interesting and vivid stories so that I am able to take different approaches by quoting those stories at will during my truth-clarification. However, this time, I misquoted and almost lost an opportunity to help a person to know the truth of Falun Dafa.

I decided that I should make improvements since I had made a mistake. I thought about it calmly and came up with the following five points.

  1. Send forth righteous thoughts during truth-clarification.

  2. Be careful not to misquote anything. I should correctly present information about the time, place, contents, causes, and results of what I talk to people about.

  3. I should always remember my purpose for explaining the facts.

  4. During truth-clarification, I should give people examples or share with them stories that are clear and vivid. I should be flexible and able to quote related articles. I need to be able to take different approaches to help different people more easily accept the truth about Falun Dafa.

  5. After each truth-clarification or helping people quit the evil party and its affiliates, I need to reflect on how I did it in order to improve. This will help me save more people. Meanwhile, I need to be careful that I don't develop the attachment of zealotry.

The above is my personal understandings. Please correct me if I have said anything inappropriate.