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My Experience as a New Practitioner Clarifying the Truth by Telephone

July 01, 2007 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner from outside of China

(Clearwisdom.net) I was a Christian before beginning the practice of Falun Dafa a few months ago. I was indignant and saddened after learning about the hideous crime of organ harvesting committed by the Chinese Communist Party against Falun Gong practitioners. After a good cry, I started to learn about Falun Gong and felt fortunate to be able to practice.

Since I am a new practitioner, my personal cultivation and the saving of sentient beings are occurring simultaneously. In my personal cultivation, I pay attention to my thoughts, words, and behaviors. When I become aware that something is not correct, I write it down. I measure everything I do and think against the Fa. For example, if something happens I ask myself why I am not happy about it or why I was not more compassionate. I try to learn why I did not have better control of my emotions and how I could avoid similar mistakes in the future. I briefly categorized and kept track of everything, and tried to improve every time. Sometimes I even found that I repeated the same mistakes, but I was doing better. However, it was painful every time, just like sitting in the lotus position. Although I was making very slow progress and it was painful, I was improving. I was strict with myself and so my xinxing improved quite fast. I was impressed with my own progress. It was something I could not have otherwise achieved even though I had tried when I was a Christian. I managed to overcome many of my previous conflicts that had been impossible to resolve. My patience and tolerance were strengthened. I am more sincere and compassionate towards people. I have more courage as well. My xinxing is improving very fast. Thank you, Master. I was reborn!

I urgently felt the importance of using the phone to clarify the truth. As I had just started the practice, I felt that I was not as mature as other practitioners. I did not think I could achieve results as good as theirs. I was worried, but I felt that I should not give up so easily. Many practitioners are being persecuted and the environment for Dafa practitioners is still very tough. The sentient beings are still being deceived and they risk being eliminated. How could I not be diligent?

I must find my own way of saving sentient beings. Everybody has different talents. No matter what skills we have or how many we have, the most important thing is to use them to the fullest extent possible.

I am nervous when talking on the phone to persuade people to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. I decided to use software to record what I want to say in the computer. Every time I made a call and became connected, I played the recording for them to listen to. I called companies as well as organizations. I knew that they would answer the phone, but that they could not listen for too long, so I recorded a message of less than one minute. For example, when I called hotels, I would say, "Hello, I am a Chinese person living outside of China. Please treat all Falun Gong practitioners with kindness. The communists are harvesting their organs to sell them to foreigners. Gods will eliminate the Chinese Communist Party. As of today, 23,000,000 have quit all organizations of the CCP. Please pass this message on to your family as well. Go to The Epoch Times or Dynaweb website and use any fictitious name to quit all of the CCP organizations." Due to the terror of the communist reign, even though it is a short message, people hung up due to fear. However, I did not give up. I called back again. Since the message is a recording, my tone is calm and it has a good result.

Also, from beginning to end, I send forth righteous thoughts. I discovered recently that if I sent forth righteous thoughts half an hour before I called, I would have good results and would be more efficient. Last week, with Master's strengthening, over one hundred people did not hang up until they had finished listening. I was very encouraged. I decided to share my experience with others. I hope that all practitioners outside of China, whether you are good at speaking or not, or whether you are nervous or not, pick up the phone and clarify the truth and save the sentient beings. We should not count on any officials or government organizations to stop the persecution. We are practitioners and we are the hope of the sentient beings. We should use all of our wisdom and energy to save the sentient beings. We still have a lot of opportunities, so let us use them.

I am a new practitioner. If I can do it, I believe that many veteran practitioners can do it, too. We have different abilities. Those who are good at talking directly to people, please continue to do so. You have all done a great job. Those who are not comfortable talking face-to-face, let us use a different method to expand our righteous field and eliminate the evil so that more people will know the truth. People are waiting to be saved. Teacher and the righteous gods are also waiting anxiously for us to act. They will not be able to make things happen if we are not diligent!

Dear practitioners, let us be more diligent! Let's pick up the phone. If we make one phone call per day per person, tens of thousands of sentient beings will get to know the truth. Even though we may not be able to persuade them to quit the CCP organizations, we will expand the righteous field and pave the way for practitioners inside China trying to save beings. More people will be looking for the truth.

Practitioners outside China, let us pick up the phone. It is not difficult. I am pretty shy and I am a new practitioner. If I could do it, you can do a much better job. I found that when we do recordings, if our pace is too slow, we waste time and people lose interest. If we speak too fast, they will not understand us. We need to be direct and yet sincere, with compassion and strength.