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Ms. Cui Jinlian, 60, Facing Further Persecution (Photo)

July 18, 2007 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Ms. Cui Jinlian, 60, is a retiree from the Changsha University of Science & Technology. She lives in a subdivision of the Hunan Chinese Medicine Institute at Shazitang District in Changsha City. At eight a.m. on June 21, 2007, Ms. Cui was arrested by five policemen from the National Security Team of the Yuhua District Police Department.

Ms. Cui Jinlian

During the arrest, the police dragged her to the police vehicle forcefully. Then they used a key taken from Ms. Cui's pocket to break into and ransack her home. During the whole process, they did not produce identification or a warrant. Ms. Cui's daughter demanded to see their identification and told them that breaking into homes without a search warrant is against the law. The police responded by accusing her of obstructing their duties and arrested her. She was roughly handled and detained for half a day.

Two policemen surnamed Xiang and An headed the arrest and ransacking of Ms. Cui's home. When Ms. Cui's daughter said that she would sue them, Xiang told her, "Don't harbor any illusions. The CCP will not protect Falun Gong. I am not afraid, regardless of where you go to sue me." The policeman named An broke down the door to the basement and later dragged Ms. Cui's daughter from the guard room to the detention room by her hair.

Yi Ping, Deputy Party Secretary of the local residential committee, participated in the arrests. She helped the police to stake out Ms. Cui's home and pointed out the way to Ms. Cui's basement. Yi got this information when Ms. Cui earlier welcomed her into her home, and then turned around and used it against Ms. Cui.

Ms. Cui Jinlian has not committed any crime. She only wants to practice Falun Gong. Freedom of belief is a basic human right, which is protected by the law, and human rights are being trampled via arrests like this one everyday in China. After Ms. Cui started practicing Falun Gong, her illnesses disappeared, and she conducted herself strictly according to "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance." For example, before Ms. Cui's ninety-year-old mother-in-law passed away, she was paralyzed at home. Ms. Cui took care of her and never complained about the difficult task.

Now Ms. Cui has been sent to the Changsha Detention Center, and the Yuhua District Police Department is trying to send her to a forced labor camp for further persecution. In May 2004, She was sentenced to one year and three months at a forced labor camp for clarifying the truth about Falun Gong to others. She was mentally and physically abused at Zhuzhou City's Baimalong Forced Labor Camp, and now she is facing another around of persecution