(Clearwisdom.net) The 42nd Independence Day Parade in Arlington was held on the morning of July 4, 2007, in downtown Arlington. One hundred and forty-four groups participated in the parade. It was the biggest Independence Day parade in Texas. The band was composed of Falun Gong practitioners from Houston, Dallas, Austin, and San Antonio. It was the first time the band had participated in this grand parade. The practitioners wore blue jackets, white trousers, and white gloves. They carried their instruments, including drums and brass instruments. Local residents were surprised and delighted to see the band. The practitioners' entry also included a float on which practitioners demonstrated the exercises. This was the second time that practitioners had participated in the parade, and it was the only group consisting mainly of Chinese people.
Practitioners held a banner worded "Falun Dafa"

The Texas Divine Land Marching Band
Falun Gong practitioners demonstrated the graceful and gentle exercises, catching the attention of spectators.
Local residents watched the parade with delight
Group photo of The Texas Divine Land Marching Band
At 9 a.m. on the morning of July 4, the US national anthem was played at the parade site. People stood up along with the parade route and reviewed America's spirit of independence, freedom, and democracy. The parade started with an honor guard holding an American flag, followed by a car carrying the Mayor of Arlington and his wife. Then came the float representing America's independence and freedom, other various floats, and performance groups.
Falun Gong practitioners' entry consisted of banners, the Divine Land Marching Band, and a float. The practitioners were in high spirits. Their "Falun Dafa, Truth-Compassion-Tolerance" banner took the lead. The Divine Land Marching band played "Falun Dafa Is Good" and "America the Beautiful." Practitioners on the float demonstrated the graceful exercises. The spectacular, graceful, and unique Falun Gong procession touched the spectators. Local residents watched attentively and applauded warmly.
The two-mile-long parade lasted an hour and a half. On their way home, some local residents were heard to say, "Chinese, Falun Dafa." Not many Chinese people live in Arlington. They also watched the parade and praised the practitioners, saying, "Falun Gong, Falun Gong."