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Young Practitioner: My Miraculous Path to Falun Gong

August 22, 2007 |   By a Falun Gong practitioner in Yanbian, Jilin Province

(Clearwisdom.net) As a young child, I often believed myself to be a little fairy that had come to this earth from heaven. I was certain that there is a very beautiful world in heaven where everyone can do magic, fly and live a care free life. When I was about six years old, my friends and I saw a goddess in the sky near my home, which made me all the more convinced of the existence of divine beings.

I have never forgotten the goddess in the sky. I was not deterred in believing what I had seen, although the grownups refused to believe in my vision. In middle school I became best friends with a girl who taught me the natural law of cause and effect.

She had come from another school. We became friends the minute we met. She still today is a lovely, kindhearted girl that smiles a lot and does well academically. I can hardly find any fault in her. Her good qualities changed others into better people. I thought her to be a "saint," because she was almost perfect. I feel honored to be her friend because all my bad thoughts disappear when I am with her. I always feel as if I am enveloped by an affectionate and comfortable energy field.

Later I learned that she was a Falun Gong practitioner. I was shocked because I didn't see any sign of "cultivating insanity" in her (referring to one of the false accusations that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) uses to slander Falun Gong). Nevertheless, I tried hard to persuade her to stop practicing Falun Gong. She always responded with a smile. I cannot explain it, but I always felt safe around her.

Sometimes she would tell me the facts about Falun Gong, but I refused to believe that Falun Gong was framed by the CCP. She didn't give up on me. She always tried to explain to me what Falun Gong is really about. Then, she found a way to make me see the truth on January 17, 2002.

That day I went to her home to play. Instead, we watched a VCD. I saw a documentary that showed the Chinese police brutally beating harmless Falun Gong practitioners. I always thought good about the Chinese police and I would have never imagined that the real Chinese police were so cruel and despicable. My eyes welled up with tears when I realized that Falun Gong practitioners are peace-loving and kindhearted people. It turned out that the Chinese Communist Regime had been spreading lies and bullying Falun Gong practitioners who are good people. I became very curious about Falun Gong and interested in what my friend has to say about Falun Gong.

Once, I decided to practice Falun Gong, and the most unexpected phenomena happened. I can only describe it as miraculous and magnificent.

I had never listened to Falun Gong's music before. When my friend told me about Falun Gong, I began to hear an ethereal music. It was very quiet, but I heard it very clearly. When I asked her, she said she didn't hear any music. I hummed the music to her and she told me it was Pudu, Falun Gong music. I was very excited and scarred at the same time. It was magic that I could hear music I had never heard before and I was the only person that heard it. She was very happy for me.

Next I saw things that I shall never forget. Perhaps it is because I had decided to practice Falun Gong that Teacher granted me such visions. Anyhow, what I saw convinced me even more and enforced my decision to practice Falun Gong.

One day when my friend explained to me again what cultivation practice is about, I saw that we were in another dimension in the universe, standing on a rotating square platform that kept us from falling. Then I saw many divine beings flying towards us and surrounding us.

There were male and female divine beings. They were very big and tall, dressed in white robes and watching us benevolently. When I described it to my friend, and she told me with a smile, "Don't be afraid. It is fairly common." This reinforced my will to cultivate in Falun Gong. This vision lasted for a very long time. After I developed a good understanding of Falun Gong, those divine beings took off, one after another.

I was sleepless that day. We discussed Falun Gong. The next day I saw transparent rotating Faluns in my friend's room. I felt that Falun Gong was the most miraculous. Just as soon as I decided to practice Falun Gong, I was granted a vision with so many wonderful things.

Thus, I began to practice Falun Gong out of curiosity and encouraged by the miracle I had experienced. I must have had millions of questions about cultivation before I started, but all of my questions were answered while reading Zhuan Falun.

Isn't it miraculous how I started to practice Falun Gong?