(Clearwisdom.net) On the first weekend in September 2007, when residents of Sunching Township in Germany's Regensburg District celebrated the annual Village Festival (Volksfest), many residents were pleased to learn about the magnificence of Falun Dafa. At the same time, they were shocked by the Chinese Communist regime's atrocity of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners.

Demonstration of the Falun Gong exercises

Many residents attentively viewed the truth-clarification display board
Falun Gong practitioners in Regensburg set up a booth and put truth-clarification display boards on the ground early in the morning. As soon as they played the music Pudu, the organizer of the adjacent booth came over to ask for information. He also took the initiative to sign the petition against the persecution. When a practitioner demonstrated the exercises in a huge paper lotus flower, more and more people came over to the practitioners' booth. Many people seemed to be overwhelmed by the peaceful and magnificent exercises and watched the demonstration attentively for a long while. A journalist from a local daily newspaper took photos.
Many local residents carefully studied the photos exposing the CCP's cruel torture on the display boards. They said that it was inconceivable that such a persecution could still take place. When hearing a practitioner say that this cruel persecution was still going on in China today, a male resident was too shocked to utter a word for quite a while. Some children also stated that they were sorry to see the photos about the torture. A boy even decided to help stop the persecution right away by helping distribute flyers at a location quite far away from the booth. At noon, due to a sudden heavy rain, practitioners went to a shelter temporarily after covering the booth with a piece of transparent plastic. A woman who happened to pass by the booth carefully lifted up the cover and signed the petition on her own after seeing the truth-clarification material. After the rain was over, more and more people came over. They signed the petition one after another after accepting the truth-clarification materials and hearing the facts about the persecution. Some of them even actively asked their family members or friends to join them in signing the petition.