Epoch Times Denver and Kansas Staff
Jan 13, 2008

DENVER--The third and final show of the Divine Performing Arts Chinese New Year Spectacular at the packed Temple Buell Theatre in Denver was enjoyed by an appreciative audience.
"We enjoy Chinese art and the Chinese [people]," shared Nelson Jacob. Along with his wife Jill, they have traveled to China and Hong Kong. "The show is fantastic. We've seen many shows before--acrobatics and Chinese opera. This is more sophisticated."
Many parents seized the opportunity to introduce their children to the richness of Chinese culture by attending the show, and were treated to the heavenly visions of 5,000 years of Chinese culture. When a young adopted Chinese girl was asked what she learned at the evening's performance, she responded, "I learned how to say 'Denver' in Chinese!"
Another young girl named Jane Lee attended the show with 25 members of her extended family.

Source http://en.epochtimes.com/news/8-1-13/63977.html
Category: Falun Dafa in the Media