(Clearwisdom.net) On January 14, 2008, Divine Performing Arts' second Chinese New Year Spectacular show in Ottawa came to a successful close amidst enthusiastic applause from an audience of 2,000 attendees.

The two-day performances of Divine Performing Arts graced about 4,000 audience members, and also were highly acclaimed by renowned persons in Canada. Canadian Minister of the Environment John Baird, MPs, Senators, MPPs, city council members, Canada's Prime Minister's office representatives, and MP representatives and representatives of the mayor's office attended the reception before the show.
Dignitaries who attended the show also included Australian Ambassador, Philippines Ambassador, university professors, artists and renowned lawyers.
Profound message and beautiful presentation
Ontario Member of Provincial Parliament Lisa MacLeod attended the first show in Ottawa on January 13, 2008. She was amazed and told the reporter that the show was absolutely fantastic.

Ontario MPP Lisa Macleod: Absolutely fantastic, NTDTV provided a great evening for the Chinese community and all Canadians.
Ms. MacLeod said, "I'm very glad to be here. What an inspiring message to start the New Year with, which is truth...I wish every kid in Ontario could see this display. It's absolutely wonderful."
Ms. MacLeod said that she can understand why people shed tears when watching the show. She pointed out that in the lyrics of one of the songs, it says that when one finds the truth, one will be born anew. "I think the lyrics are so beautiful," she said, "I want to thank you all for giving me this opportunity."

David Kilgour, former Secretary of State for Asia-Pacific, attended the show on January 14, 2008. He said, "The show is uplifting, inspiring and dazzling. It's magical what we're seeing here tonight. I've got nothing but respect for the people who've done it. They have put in so much time, I gather, to make the show what it is." Kilgour said, "I want to congratulate everybody associated with this show. I wish everybody in Canada could see it. I wish everybody could see it everywhere, especially, of course, in China."
The show reveals the authentic China, the purpose and significance of 5,000 years of culture
David Kilgour has been reading a lot of books on China in the last year or so and stated, "I think this is the authentic China." Kilgour said, "What is being used now [in China], as somebody says, is imported from Europe. Karl Marx was not Chinese...The imported violent philosophy that is still, unfortunately, being used by the [regime in China] is quite foreign to the culture, people, and history of China. This shows what a marvelous culture and tradition the authentic Chinese culture is."
Ms. Marie McAdam, an employee of a government department, attended the show on January 13. She told the reporter that the show was so wonderful that it was beyond her imagination. "It is beautiful, and truly a spectacular."Ms. McAdam said the subtitles on the background helped her learn the purpose and significance of China's 5,000 years of culture. She said that the subtitles also expressed a longing for freedom, but sadly this freedom is suppressed in China.
Former Op�ra de Montr�al singer Paulette Scheme and her husband attended the Spectacular on January 14. She told the reporter that the music of the show completely moved her. She said, "The spirit and the heart of the people are good and pure, fighting all the things that are wrong, and yet in such a beautiful way."
"This is a gift for us, perhaps the gift is from the heaven," said Garry Bell who looks forward to going to China someday.
After the performance in the capital, the Divine Performing Arts Touring Company will arrive in Montreal on January 15.