Jan 20, 2008

LOS ANGELES--The Chinese New Year Spectacular completed its evening Saturday performance at the Nokia Theater L.A. Live, with audience members already looking towards next year's performances.
Roland White, an artist from Los Angeles, said that he "liked the fact that they used a lot of historical dance moves," and found interesting how the dance differed from Western styles.
The classical Chinese dance featured in the Spectacular is separate from Western dance, such as ballet, as it extends back into China's 5000-year history, and involves different moves, including acrobatic-type maneuvers.
"I'm looking forward to the next [show]," White added.
Beatrice Ramos, from Ecuador, makes patterns for a fashion designer. She thought the show was "fantastic" and "very nice."
Francisco Lopez, a physician assistant who was born in Mexico but now holds dual citizenship there and in the U.S., thought the show stood up to the name "Spectacular."
"I think the show is very nice, it's very much like the title, 'Spectacular.' It's a show that has heritage from the ancient Chinese culture," he said.
"They show about the culture, about truthfulness, about being kind, and tolerance. Conscience, kindness, and tolerance. Very good."
Lopez also thought an important aspect of the show was that learning about other cultures leads to people respecting one another.
Vlad Popescu, a writer from Los Angeles, said he "liked everything about the show, including the introduction by the couple [the MCs]."
"It was new to me. Although I'm somewhat familiar with Chinese culture, it was the first time I actually got to see a show, so I was really impressed with that."
He described the drummers as "earth-shaking," and said that he "can't wait for next year to come around to check it out."

Lushi Huang, a Californian who works in marketing communications, said she "loved the show, it was absolutely spectacular."
She continued, saying, "It was nicely done, it was extremely polished, the dancers were incredible."
The Chinese New Year Spectacular will be playing one last show in Los Angeles on Sunday at 2 p.m. before going to Las Vegas, Michigan, and San Francisco.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of the Divine Performing Arts shows that will perform in over 60 cities worldwide in 2008. To find a show near you, please visit www.bestchineseshows.com.
Source http://en.epochtimes.com/news/8-1-20/64396.html
Category: Falun Dafa in the Media