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Sentient Beings are Becoming Anxious to Hear the Truth

October 15, 2008 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Beijing


Sentient beings are becoming anxious to hear the truth

One evening I went for a walk while silently reciting the Fa . On the road ahead of me, I saw a young mother watching her two one-year-old twins (one boy, one girl) playing close by. As I nonchalantly passed by, the boy grabbed my leg, looked at me, and smiled in anticipation!

My heart was touched and I immediately realized that I should clarify the facts about Falun Gong to the child's mother. As I playfully interacted with the boy, I told the mother that "Falun Dafa is good, Truth-Compassion-Forbearance is good." She listened to my words with great interest.

A little while later, the children's grandmother walked by and I repeated what I told her daughter. She, too, listened with great interest. After I finished talking, I played with the boy a few minutes longer then started to leave. This time when the boy grabbed my leg, he did not hold on as tightly as he initially did. Then it hit me: "Living beings who want to know the truth are becoming very anxious!"

Fellow practitioners, please be diligent. We must make the best use of our time to clarify the truth. Don't miss even one opportunity to save sentient beings.

Only by cultivating ourselves well can we do the three things well

On September 13, 2008, after studying the Fa during a work break, I decided to send a few cell phone text messages clarifying the facts about Dafa.

One person who received my message responded by making several phone calls to me. Because other colleagues of mine were in the work area, I did not answer the call. After a while I tried texting the person back but to no avail. The same thing happened when I tried to receive messages. Then I realized that the messaging function of my cell phone card was in "lock-down" mode.

At that time I had one thought: "This is interference. I do not acknowledge it." Then I promptly looked inside myself and realized that when I was sending forth righteous thoughts, after I sent my text messages, my mental state was not very good.

Also, when I was studying the Fa I was not very focused. I even played a few computer video games that my office installed on everyone's computer. I knew that as a practitioner I should not play these games but I found it very difficult to restrain myself. One of the games I played has a toad in it. That evening I had a dream about a snake. When I woke up, I realized that I was lacking righteous thoughts, therefore my state of mind was not pure.

These past few days I sent forth very powerful righteous thoughts to clean up my own field and the fields in the different dimensions that were preventing me from sending these important text messages.

Three days later I tried to send text messages but two times but was unable to. Two days after that, I reached for my cell phone with the thought: "A divine being is omnipotent." After turning on the cell phone, I sent a message to myself, and it went right through. So I started sending messages again. However, I did not become too elated with myself, as I knew that Master was encouraging me through this incident.

I must look inward, cultivate myself well, and only then can I do the three things well.