(Clearwisdom.net) On October 9th, 2008, a Conference of Ministers from 27 countries was held at the Congress Centre in Luxembourg. An activity was also held by the European Branch of New Tang Dynasty TV regarding Eutelsat's decision to stop NTDTV's signal into mainland China. Falun Gong practitioners participated in the activity, calling on all circles to pay attention to this matter so that people in mainland China can once again obtain access to information that is not censored by the CCP.

Banners hung on the fence opposite the Congress Centre
Just opposite the Congress Centre, a company was carrying out construction which had taken up some part of the street. In order to ensure good traffic for the participants of the Conference, the police temporarily blocked off one end of the street. This provided a natural advantage for the Ministers and staff of the Conference Centre to see NTDTV appeal banners and have a chance to receive information leaflets.
Several large banners were hung on the fence opposite the Congress Centre. In front of the fence was the only transport passage for the staff of the Conference so that all the people passing through the main front door of the Congress Centre would see the words written on the banners.
During the break at midday, many of the Conference participants came out and went across to the other side of the street for lunch. The supporters of New Tang Dynasty TV were standing on the side of the street distributing information leaflets and many participants and staff of the Conference accepted flyers.
Several people were standing on the side of the street greeting each other. A Spanish Falun Gong practitioner recognized the Spanish Minister among them. He went up to talk to the Minister and briefed him on the purpose and significance of the appeal. An interpreter of the Congress Centre showed great interest in talking to a Chinese practitioner on subjects ranging from the Olympic Games to poisonous milk powder, and from the Eutelsat scandal to Falun Gong. The interpreter was shocked to learn of a series of crimes committed by the Chinese Communist Party. Before the end of the Ministerial Conference, the NTDTV supporters stood on different sides of the street displaying banners and distributing information leaflets so that the participants at the Ministerial Conference would have one more chance to learn the facts. More participants showed their concerns. When the Spanish Minister's car was passing by the practitioner whom the Spanish Minister talked to, it slowed down and its window slowly opened. The practitioner passed some informational leaflets to the minister and waved a courteous goodbye to him.
Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200810/46475.html