(Clearwisdom.net) New Tang Dynasty Television's Chinese New Year Splendor, performed by Divine Performing Arts, was recently staged at Radio City Music Hall in New York City. New York State Senator Bill Perkins issued the following proclamation to recognize New Tang Dynasty Television on the occasion of the Splendor. The Proclamation says: "We have an organization worthy of our highest respect and esteem."
Honoring New Tang Dynasty Television on the Occasion of its
Fifth Annual Chinese New Year Global Gala
Whereas, a great state is only as great as those organizations that perform exemplary service on behalf of their community, whether though unique achievement in professional or other endeavors, or simply through a lifetime of good citizenship; and
Whereas, New Tang Dynasty Television was founded in 2001, with a satellite broadcast launched to North American households in February 2002 and a global broadcast in July 2003; and
Whereas, in the six years since its founding, New Tang Dynasty Television has sought to provide viewers with accurate and objective information to enrich their knowledge and lives, contribute to the pluralism and free flow of information in Chinese-language media, foster an understanding between Chinese and Western Cultures and Assist Chinese people outside of their homeland to adapt and assimilate to mainstream society; and
Whereas, New Tang Dynasty Television has a cable presence in 16 major U.S. metropolitan areas, including New York City, where NTDTV is based; and
Whereas, New Tang Dynasty Television reaches a potential audience of over 200 million viewers worldwide, including 2 million in North America, 100 million in Europe and 40 million privately-owned satellite dishes in mainland China; and
Whereas, New Tang Dynasty Television has earned unparalleled respect for the excellent quality of its programming, broadcasting news, sports, entertainment and children's programming 24 hours a day, seven days a week and in three languages; and
Whereas, New Tang Dynasty Television's Fifth Annual Chinese New Year Splendor is paying a visit to Radio City Music Hall, with performances from January 30 to February 9, 2008; now, therefore, be it
Resolved, that I, State Senator Bill Perkins, recognize that in New Tang Dynasty Television we have an organization worthy of our highest respect and esteem; and be it further
Resolved, that a copy of this proclamation be transmitted to New Tang Dynasty Television during its Chinese New Year Global Gala.
Dated: January 30-February 9, 2008-02-09
In Witness Whereof, I Have Hereunto Set My Hand and Signature
Bill Perkins
New York State Senate
30th District