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Solemn Declarations by Non-Practitioners Who Have Awakened

March 16, 2008 |  


Solemn Declaration

I have burned Dafa books and materials that Falun Gong practitioners distributed many times and took down Dafa truth-clarification banner. Later on, I heard that those books, materials and banners were used to save people. I was surprised and very regretful. I acknowledge my guilt to Dafa and Dafa's Master and solemnly declare: the deeds I did against Dafa are void and null. From now on, I will not destroy any Dafa materials. I know Dafa is good and I support Dafa.

Jiao Qingshan

February 27, 2008

Translated from http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2008/3/4/173606.html

Solemn Declaration

We are all students. Under our teacher's pressure, we once cooperated with the Chinese Communist Party personnel to say some bad words against Falun Dafa and Master and wrote the guarantee not to practice Falun Gong. We regret this very much. We are sorry to Master and Dafa. We solemnly declare: All our words and deeds against Dafa are void and null. We believe Dafa is good, we support Dafa and will make up for our mistakes.

Duan Hongyu, Hou Bingzheng and Guo Shizhu

February 27, 2008

Translated from http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2008/3/4/173606.html

Solemn Declaration

I am an elementary student. In my winter vacation homework I found that there was an assignment asking us to write an article slandering Dafa. So I did not do my homework because I know Falun Dafa is good. When we handed in the homework at the beginning of school, my teacher asked me why I did not write this article. I was afraid and I said I did not know how to write one. The teacher gave me an article written by a classmate and asked me to copy it. The teacher was waiting at my side and urged me to copy it quickly. I felt helpless and then copied the Dafa-slandering article. I regret this very much and wish I had not been afraid, lied and listened to other's directions. It is clear to me that the evil spirits controlled my teacher and were trying to make us fall into the abyss. I solemnly declare that the article of slandering the Buddha Fa I wrote is null and void. From now on, I will make a clear distinction between right and wrong and between good and evil and follow "Truth Compassion Tolerance" to be a good person.


February 24, 2008
