(Clearwisdom.net) The Divine Performing Arts Touring Company gave its fourth show in Paris on March 2, 2008. The show ended amid enthusiastic applause. Many spectators lingered in the hall after the show, talking about their impressions of the evening's performance.

Performers answer the curtain call
Audience watches the show on March 2, 2008
Chabha is an elementary teacher. She waited to talk to the reporter after the show, wanting to express her feelings. "For me, the performance delivered a strong sense of wisdom. It totally had me. I was trembling throughout the show - everything was so magnificent! The dance was full of grace and wisdom, so beautiful. The performance really excited me. It's a unique feeling - I felt a stream of heat pass through me," said Chabha.

Chabha, an elementary school teacher
Chabha continued, "I love the numbers with the drums and the fans. They are really impressive. The drum beats went straight to my heart. I first have to thank the performers - they are wonderful. I am grateful to the friend who introduced the show to me." Chabha said she will come back and see the show again. She said she will tell people that the Spectacular is a truly outstanding show.

Chantal, a medical doctor
Chantal is a medical doctor. She said, "I think the music is beautiful and the performers presented the show in a harmonious fashion. It's an enjoyable show. Every performance is different but all beautiful - the songs and the drums, the dances, the Tibetan dance, the Mongolian dance - all were great."
Ms. Chin from Taiwan is a fashion model in Paris. She thought the show was very traditional Chinese and was happy to see a performance like this in Paris. She liked "Nymphs of the Sea" the best. She thought it was amazing the way they presented water in dance form.
The Divine Performing Arts Touring Company will play next in Austria and Germany.