(Clearwisdom.net) The Divine Performing Arts (DPA) New York Company arrived in Kaohsiung, Taiwan on March 4, 2008, and began its five-day arts feast in this seaport city. Many educators in southern Taiwan attended the Chinese Spectacular and were impressed by the artists' superb skills.

Ms. Yan Shu-fang, Principal of the Wu-Fu Elementary School in Kaohsiung County, was very impressed by the beauty of the show.
Ms. Hsiang Yung-Lo, Principal of the Tian-Liao Junior High School, "We should encourage the children to watch the show. It's a good way for them to learn."
Mr. Chuang Chu-Chung, a retired Director of General Affairs of the Kaohsiung Municipal Siao Gang Senior High School, said that the music was full of strong energy.
Ms. Yan Shu-fang, Principal of the Wu-Fu Elementary School in Kaohsiung County, thought the music, the dance, and the costumes were great. "I was very moved by the powerful presentation of traditional Chinese dance and by the expression of spiritual principles. The Divine Performing Arts combines the uniqueness of our culture and marvelous costumes perfectly. The special visual effects were terrific, too."
Ms. Yan loved the dance "Nymphs of the Sea." "The blue color of the sea used in the background was so beautiful. The fans and silk clothing moved in front of the blue background, creating the feeling of the sea so well. In the end, when a person surfaced from underneath the water, that was very moving."
Mr. Chuang Chu-Chung, a retired Director of General Affairs of the Kaohsiung Municipal Siao Gang Senior High School, and his wife attended the show together. Mr. Chuang was most impressed with dances "Nymphs of the Sea," "Lady of the Moon," and "Descent of the Celestial Kings." "Using the background projection to show Chang-e flying to the moon was neat. It is not easy to combine the dancer with the motion picture in the background. This is the first time I saw this kind of technique. It is very creative. I can imagine the hard work that was put into it. It is amazing how the background helps bring out the feeling of each performance."
Mr. Chuang said he is very sensitive to music and he could sense the strong energy in the music during the show. "I still feel the energy now!" he exclaimed after the show.
Mrs. Chuang said, "Every number is outstanding. The artists' body language is very expressive and they are very into the performance. They interpret the characters very well. It takes a lot of work to be able to do that."
Ms. Hsiang Yung-Lo, Principal of the Tian-Liao Junior High School, feels that children should be encouraged to see the show. She said, "Excellent! This kind of traditional dance is very unique. The most impressive piece to me is the "Nymphs of the Sea." The costumes were exquisite. The dancers' movements are very feminine and attractive. We should encourage children to see these kinds of large-scale shows about cultural arts. It's a good way for them to learn."