(Clearwisdom.net) On July 10 and 20, 2008, Falun Gong practitioners from western Australia held an event to promote Falun Dafa and clarify the truth in the historic gold mining town of Kalgoorlie. The activity exposed the brutal tortures that have taken place over the nine-year persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Practitioners called on local residents and the government to become aware of the persecution and help rescue local practitioner Suzy Yang's mother, who is in detention in China because she practices Falun Gong.
Kalgoorlie's WIN TV station reported the event

People reading the truth-clarification display boards at a marketplace in Boulder Township

Local Kalgoorlie residents signed their names to the "Global Million Signatures Against the Persecution" petition
Suzy Yang's mother is a Falun Gong practitioner who was arrested on July 4, 2008, by police in Taiyuan City for having Falun Gong truth-clarification materials at home. She is now detained in Taiyuan City Detention Center. In an effort to rescue her mother, Suzy talked to the local media about her mother's situation and the persecution of Falun Gong in China, and the local media were very supportive of this activity. The largest local newspaper, Kalgoorlie Miner, published a long story about the activity and exposed the persecution.
On July 19, Falun Gong practitioners held an event at St. Barbara Square in the center of Kalgoorlie. Many residents had read about it in the newspaper and came to the square. They asked for more details about the persecution and signed their names to the petition calling for an end to the persecution and the rescue of Suzie Wang's mother. The residents expressed their hope that Suzy's mother would obtain her freedom soon.
Local TV station WIN reported the event and interviewed Ms. Wang and two other practitioners who were persecuted in China before. The reporter said the story would definitely raise awareness in the local community about what is happening in China.
On July 20, Falun Gong practitioners went to the nearby town of Boulder and continued the truth-clarification and signature drive at a local monthly marketplace. Many residents signed the petition form. One concerned woman wanted to donate some money to support the activity, but practitioners thanked her and told her kindly that practitioners don't accept donations. In the end, she bought the book, Zhuan Falun. Some people who saw the exercise demonstration also wanted to learn them.
The next day, the Falun Gong practitioners moved on to Stirling Garden in Perth to continue the truth-clarification and signature drive. Many people in Perth were shocked to learn about the brutality of the persecution in China.
Category: Rallies & Protests