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Jiamusi Forced Labor Camp Refuses to Release Ms. Qu Yujie Despite Recurrence of Lymphoma Due to Persecution

January 31, 2009 |  


Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Qu Yujie is illegally imprisoned in the Jiamusi Forced Labor Camp in Heilongjiang Province. She has been brutally persecuted, and this treatment caused a recurrence of lymphoma that is affecting her throat. The tumor has grown bigger and harder. She has trouble turning her head. Although she is in serious condition, the Jiamusi City 610 Office head and the Jiamusi City Communist Party Secretary, Jia Gengsheng; the Jiamusi Suburb 610 Office; the Qingyuan Community in Jiamusi City; and the Jiamusi Forced Labor Camp all have passed the buck and refuse to release her.

Ms. Qu was a former employee of Jiamusi Chemical Pharmaceutical. After she started to practice Falun Gong in 1996, she always followed the standard of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and always thought of others first. She was generally recognized as a very good person. Her husband also practices Falun Gong. He was formerly employed the Jiamusi Brewery. They have a son.

Since July 20, 1999, Falun Gong has been brutally persecuted by Chinese Communist Party. The leadership of Jiamusi Chemical Pharmaceutical was frightened by the CCP's repeated efforts to suppress the practice. Even though they all had witnessed that practitioners were very good people, they were still afraid that the Party's "implication system" would interfere with their own interests. They therefore demanded that every practitioner who worked in the pharmaceutical firm give up cultivating Falun Gong. Ms. Qu Yujie refused to give up her belief and was illegally detained by the firm's security department for two days and nights.

In September 1999, Ms. Qu and her husband went to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Dafa. They were arrested by the police in Beijing and brought back to Jiamusi. They were detained and brutally tortured in the Jiamusi Detention Center. The director of the detention center, Sui, and others stole 5,000 yuan in cash that the couple carried. The couple was held in the detention center for two months. They were released after the police extorted additional money from their family members. The leaders of the companies where the two worked fired them. They were forced to do temporary work to make a living.

Since that time, the residents' committee and the local police frequently went to their home to harass them. They were forced to "report" to the police every day. The police also monitored their home phone.

In July 2000, Officer Zhong Qiang from the Youyi Road Police Station in Jiamusi City and officers from the Yonghong Police Department in Jiamusi City broke into Qu Yujie's home and confiscated things. They took away Teacher's photo, Falun Dafa books, videotapes, audiotapes, a video playe,r and other personal belongings.

In August 2001, personnel from the Jiamusi City 610 Office and the National Security Team in the Jiamusi City Police Department surrounded the building where Ms. Qu lived and stayed there for many days in order to arrest her and her husband. After they failed to arrest the two, they used a hammer and crowbar to break into their home. They broke the lock and smashed in the steel door, but, fortunately, they did not manage to get in. However, the couple could not live there anymore. They had to move out of the home where they had lived for many years.

Afterwards, the family became destitute and homeless. Their child always asked, "We did not do anything bad. Why do the police want to arrest the good people like my mom and dad?"

In July 2008, Ms. Qu Yujie was waiting for a friend at the Jiamusi City Center Hospital. Many officers followed her, arrested her, and took her to the Jiamusi Detention Center. Later she was sent to serve one year of forced labor. Currently she is being detained in at the Jiamusi Forced Labor Camp.

Qu Yujie's husband works at outside sites most of the year. Their child is left at home alone. Before Ms. Qu was arrested, her mother-in-law had just had a brain hemorrhage. Cared for by Ms. Qu and other relatives, she recovered from a deep coma and just left the hospital not long ago. After she heard that her daughter-in-law had been arrested and sentenced, she nearly collapsed. After Qu Yujie's mother heard that her daughter had been imprisoned, she was extremely worried and got sick. Although it was hard for them to get around, the two senior women went to the forced labor camp in the suburbs, to the Jiamusi City 610 Office, and to related departments many times to request the release of Qu Yujie.

Before Ms. Qu started to practice Falun Gong, she had lymphoma and had undergone surgery in 1993. According to her condition at that time, the doctor concluded that the lymphoma would recur after two to three years, and she could not have surgery again. After she started to practice Falun Gong, the lymphoma did not recur. Moreover, her other illnesses all disappeared without any treatment. But the conditions in Jiamusi Forced Labor Camp where she has been imprisoned are very bad. She has been closely monitored 24 hours every day, and she cannot study the Fa or practice the exercises. In addition, the food and living conditions in the forced labor camp are also extremelypoor bad. Qu Yujie has now suffered a recurrence of the lymphoma in her throat due to the persecution and bad conditions.