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Mr. Pang Detained Another Four Months after Eight Years of Illegal Detention

December 11, 2009 |  

Name:Pang You (庞有)
Occupation: Government Officer

Date of Most Recent Arrest:August 3, 2009
Most recent place of detention:
Beijing No.1 Detention Center 北京市第一看守所
City: Beijing
Persecution Suffered:
Detention, imprisonment, illegal sentencing, beatings, electric shock, torture, physical constraint, sleep deprivation, force-feedings, home ransacked, extortion

(Clearwisdom.net) Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Pang You from the Chaoyang District in Beijing is still illegally detained at the Beijing No.1 Detention Center. On December 3, his term of detention was four months. Mr. Pang's family has not received any pertinent legal documentation, which prevents them from hiring an attorney. An attorney can't file a court case without the relevant documentation.

Mr. Peng has been detained for a second time after having been imprisoned for eight years in the past. Because he is a former official of the state-controlled Construction Committee of Chaoyang District, Beijing, the former Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Liu Qi was personally involved in the persecution of Mr. Pang. At the same time, Ms. Zhang Lianying, Mr. Pang's mother, also suffered harassment by the local Domestic Security Brigade. Ms. Zhang, who suffered from cancer before practicing Falun Gong, died within a short time after her son's detention. Mr. Peng, who was taken home in handcuffs to see his mother, collapsed in grief. Then his relatives and friends watched him being taken back to Qianjin Prison. This was a most upsetting scene for all those present.

Mr. Pang's wife Guo Jingshu was under house arrest, and their son was under tremendous pressure. After his parents' arrest, he was told through a phone call that his parents would be sentenced to long prison terms. After that, he rarely talked to his relatives and refused to go to school. Recently he was transferred to another school far away from the city center. During the time when his father was detained at Qianjin Prison, he had grown from a baby to a young man of 1.8 meters in height. After his father came home, his academic records improved a lot. His score in physics ranked No.1 in the class. Yet, he still feels tremendous pressure, is depressed, unwilling to talk about his parents, and wanting to study abroad. His relatives are very concerned about him.

Mr. Pang You was an assistant of the Dayangfang Exercise Volunteer Teaching Center in Chaoyao District, Beijing. In July 1998, he began to practice Falun Gong. After July 1999, he appealed for justice for Falun Gong and was arrested. Because he remained firm in his belief in Falun Dafa, he was fired from his job. In December 1999, he was arrested and detained for more than 20 days. During the time of the two CCP national conferences, officers from the No. 1 Division of the Beijing Police Bureau arrested him at home. He was taken to the Chaoyang Police Sub-Bureau, where he was detained for more than 20 days. In June 25, 2000, he went to Tiananmen Square to hold up truth-clarification banners and asked for justice for Falun Dafa. Officers beat and arrested him. He refused to disclose his name. Therefore, he was transferred to the Tong County Detention Center, where he was brutally beaten and shocked with electric batons. After being on a hunger strike for nine days, he was taken by officers from his local police station to his hometown. They attempted to have him imprisoned at the Chaoyang Detention Center, who refused to accept him because he had been on a hunger strike for nine days. He was later released.

On July 17, 2009, officers from the local police station came to his home. He escaped through the back door and became homeless to avoid further persecution. On September 27, he was arrested again. His family did not know his whereabouts for two to three months. His family finally discovered that he was detained at the No.7 Division in the Beijing Police Department, where he had been cruelly beaten. His family heard on December 26, 2000 that he was sentenced to an eight-year prison term.

In 2000, Mr. Pang You was detained at the Hangu No. 7 Division Prison and then transferred to the Qianjin Prison. He was put in handcuffs and foot shackles, which were linked together. This created many problems for him. He was deprived of sleep for many days. Someone poured cold water over him whenever he fell asleep. During the day, a chain was put around his neck, and then they dragged him by the chain through the courtyard. In order to protest, he went on a hunger strike. The guards force-fed him after chaining him to a metal sheet and shocked his legs with electric batons.

Mr. Pang was released on September 27, 2008, after 8 years in prison. About ten months later, on August 3, 2009, when he was talking to people about Falun Gong, he was arrested by officers from the Laiguangling Police Station and the Olympics Village Police Station of Chaoyang City. The same night his home was ransacked, and he was detained at the Chaoyang Detention Center in Beijing.

At six p.m. on August 27, his wife Guo Shujing was arrested at home. Officers ransacked her home, confiscated her personal computer and searched the rental place of their neighbor.

In mid-September, Mr. Pang was taken to the Beijing No.1 Detention Center. His situation is unknown. His wife was detained at the Beijing Chaoyang Detention Center for more than a month and then put under house arrest.

Beijing City Police Bureau Chaoyang Police Sub-Bureau Detention Center: 86-10-65760427, 86-10-65475604.
Beijing No.1 Detention Center: 86-10-87395170, 86-10-87395162.