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Saving the Great Divine Beings Who Risked Coming to This World

December 07, 2009 |   By a practitioner in mainland China

(Clearwisdom.net) I remember reading an article by a non-practitioner regarding three kinds of people in the world. The highest percentage is composed of regular people, whose purpose in life is to satisfy their basic needs. They may be classified from high and low levels based on their personal characters. The second kind are those who are spiritual; this group represents a small percentage. They live not only to meet their material needs, but to pursue spiritual goals, and have their moral standards. The third kind are divine beings living among people; this represents a very small percentage. They are like Shakyamuni, Jesus, and Confucius, who live beyond material requirements. Their hearts are at a divine level. At that time, I felt that the writer's opinion was quite unique.

From a cultivator's perspective, I understand that this classification resides in the human thought and knowledge area. Based on the Fa, I know that the world's people now support Dafa. Additionally, their levels are quite high. Dafa practitioners, representing their own levels, assist Teacher to validate the Fa. All those sentient beings who haven't cultivated yet, have the hope and goal to cultivate Dafa, but haven't had an opportunity to become a practitioner in the Fa-rectification period. There is another group of people who are lost in the human environment. They even disturb Dafa or persecute practitioners; some of them were part of the old forces' arrangements. Evil factors took advantage of them because of their own attachments, although this was not something they wished for. They need us to clarify the truth and help them become aware, which can save them.

I studied Teacher's new articles "To the Midwestern US Fa Conference", "To the Brazil Fa Conference" and the Fa continuously. I deeply understand Teacher's hope and great passion to save sentient beings. I also feel the practitioners' great responsibility. Especially, I studied Teacher's message:

"None of you realize what the people in today's world once gave of themselves for this affair. Nor have you realized what magnificent beings they once were, plunging down headlong into such a dangerous place, braving the tremendous peril. That fact alone makes them worthy of your saving them and pulling them out. For them, the danger lies precisely in how attractive their surroundings are. During this great ordeal, Dafa disciples have indeed taken on some added hardships for them, for sentient beings, but whatever the case, what awaits Dafa disciples are the best of things." ("Fa Teaching Given at the NTDTV Meeting")

I am amazed at those great divine beings in the universe.

Teacher freed us from hell and arranged our cultivation in order to help us to achieve our highest mission. If not for Teacher, we would be in the same position as those sentient beings who are still living under the influence of such degenerate social trends. We might not be able to return, forever. Thinking about those great divine beings, can we still be lazy, negative or live a life of comfort? Let us give up all our human attachments, coordinate well with each other, work as a united group, and make the time to save sentient beings.

My level is quite limited, please point out anything inappropriate.

November 14, 2009