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Mr. Liu Yongjin Suffers In Taian Prison, Family Visit Is Denied

April 26, 2009 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Mr. Liu Yongjin was a practitioner in Linyi City, Shandong Province. On February 5, 2008, Xing Yongnong and other officers from Linyi City Lanshan Police Department arrested Mr. Liu. The local 610 Office manipulated the Lanshan District Court, which sentenced Mr. Liu to seven years in prison. Mr. Liu was taken to the Jinan Prison, but he was rejected because a physical exam showed that he had pneumonia and tuberculosis as a result of the torture he had been subjected to during interrogation and detention. On June 18, 2008, after a three month stay in the Jinan Prison Hosptial, Mr. Liu was taken to the Taian Prison. Mr. Liu has been under level-one strict restriction since then. On February 20, 2009, guards revoked Mr. Liu's family visitations as a punishment for Mr. Liu's disobedience.

Mr. Liu endured severe torture while in prison, such as sleep deprivation, restricted bathroom use, and being beaten by other prisoners. His teeth are loose because his mouth was forced opened with metal tongs during a brutal nasal feeding. During their visit on January 16, 2009, Mr. Liu's family noticed that Mr. Liu walked lamely, his face was edematous, his forehead had scars, and his voice was hoarse. Guards did not allow Mr. Liu to tell his family all the abuses he had suffered while in prison.

Guards have been denying Mr. Liu's family's visitation requests for more than two months. The family is deeply worryied about Mr. Liu's health.

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