(Clearwisdom.net) On May 1, 2009, it was sunny in Johor Bahru, the southernmost city of the mainland in Malaysia. It was a public holiday there. Crowds of people appeared in shopping centers, parks and large playground. Singapore Divine Land Marching Band went to Johor Bahru city to play at the invitation of a large shopping center and a playground.

Singapore Divine Land Marching Band performs in Johor Bahru, the southernmost city on the mainland of Malaysia
The Divine Land Marching Band is composed of Falun Gong practitioners. The band had been to the city before to perform during Christmas 2008 and Chinese New Year 2009. The band performed at a shopping center, in a park, and at a large playground, to warm applause in all locales.
The first performance was at a busy shopping center. The band played seven songs to appreciative crowds. Local practitioners distributed materials introducing Falun Gong and exposing the persecution in China. Some people asked for more details about Falun Gong. The head of the host organization issued souvenirs to the band and had a group photo with all members of the band.
In the evening, the band went to a large park to perform. The band marched in the park while playing. Many passersby stopped to watch.
A little after 9 p.m., the band went to a large playground in the city and performed there. Thousands people were in the playground and many of them were anxiously waiting for the performance. The band marched in four rows for more than one hour and played music Falun Dafa is good etc. Many people watched the performance and gladly accepted the Falun Gong flyers. Spectators gave warm applauses.
The performance ended at 10:30 p.m. It was estimated several thousand people watched the performance and were able to learn about the grace of Falun Dafa.