(Clearwisdom.net) On July 20, 2009, marking the tenth year since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) launched its persecution of Falun Gong on July 20, 1999, more than 200 Falun Gong practitioners in Toronto and their supporters from all walks of life held a rally in front of the Chinese Consulate. They further exposed the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong and called upon the world's people to oppose the Party's crimes against humanity and work together to bring an end to the persecution.
On July 20, 2009, Toronto Falun Gong practitioners held a rally in front of the Chinese Consulate, calling for an end to the persecution
Supporters who came to the rally to express their support included the China Human Rights Net, Chinese Democratic Front, representatives of the Chinese Interim Government and people who support human rights. Organizations such as Canadians Against Slavery and Torture in Sudan and Tribute to Liberty sent letters to express their support.
Call for People to Take a Stand
Representative of the Falun Dafa Association Joel Chipkar read a statement of the Canadian Falun Dafa Association. He pointed out that this day ten years ago, July 20, marked the beginning of the most brutal and unjust persecution in today's society. As of today, 3,290 practitioners have been confirmed of having lost their lives in the persecution. 87,000 practitioners have been subjected to gross mistreatment and abuses imposed upon them by the CCP agents who employed over a hundred torture methods. A United Nations report revealed that 66 percent of victims of torture in China's prisons are Falun Gong practitioners. What's even more horrendous is that some reports stated that Falun Gong practitioners had their organs harvested while they were still alive. However, Falun Gong practitioners' efforts to peacefully appeal and spread awareness of the persecution for the past ten years, as well as the growing support of the world's people, have brought hope to the Chinese people.
Chipkar called upon the world's people to take a righteous stance and work together to bring an end to the persecution. He said that in this historical juncture, we call upon everybody to continue upholding human rights, and especially call on the Canadian government to use appropriate channels to protest the persecution of Falun Gong.
Exposing the Brutal Persecution
Falun Gong practitioner Zhang Tianxiao shared in her speech how two of her loved ones have lost their lives and one went missing in the CCP's brutal persecution of Falun Gong.
Her brother-in-law Zou Songtao graduated with a master's degree in 1999, but he was denied employment for practicing Falun Gong. He was arrested numerous times and his home ransacked many times. In October, 1999, he traveled to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong and was arrested as soon as he returned to his home in Qingdao City. Later, he was arrested again for finding a house for Falun Gong practitioners to hold a cultivation experience-sharing conference. While being detained in the police department, a deputy chief of the police department slapped his face with shoe soles, causing Mr. Zou to lose consciousness. He was seriously injured, so the detention center refused to accept him.
In July 2000, Mr. Zou was once again arrested and was sent to a forced labor camp to serve a two-year term. Three months later, he died in the forced labor camp. His body was forcibly cremated without consent from his family.
Zhang Tianxiao's younger sister Zhang Yunhe was a chief financial officer of a company. After witnessing the persecution of her husband Mr. Zou, she traveled to Tiananmen Square in Beijing in April 2000, to tell people the truth about Falun Gong. She was then arrested and held in a detention center in Beijing. Seven police officers beat her unconscious. In February 2002, she was arrested again in Qingdao City, and was held in the Dashan Detention Center. She was then covertly transferred six months later. Her whereabouts are unknown.
Zhang Tianxiao's mother Bi Wucai was frequently harassed by local police. Her son-in-law was tortured to death, her daughter went missing, and she continued to experience constant abuse. The grief and pressure were too heavy for her to bear, and she passed away.
More People Must Know What Is Happening in China

Patrick Boyer, former Canadian MP, lawyer, writer and publisher said that human rights and human dignity are the characteristics of all great nations. He and people from across the world demand an end to the persecution of Falun Gong.
As the publisher of the Canadian Blue Butterfly Publishing House, Mr. Boyer introduced his latest published book titled Pagoda of Light (English Version), which depicts the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.
Mr. Boyer said that he believed that in this 21st century, human dignity and basic rights should be respected.
Speaking of the reason for publishing this book, Mr. Boyer said that the book tells stories of individuals and their families, and also brings out the manifestation of an autocratic system. Regardless of whether it was Nazi Germany, the former Soviet Union or today's Communist China, the government regulates citizens' way of thinking. Dissidents are thrown into concentration camps, though in China they are called "re-education through labor" camps. The publication of the book is to let more people learn what is happening in China.
He said that he saluted these people (Falun Gong practitioners) for their unimaginable courage.
The CCP Shoots Itself in the Foot

Michael Craig, chairman of the China Human Rights Net said that the autocratic Communist's hammer and sickle have been used to attack the people. Falun Gong practitioners have endured the ten-year brutal persecution. He said that because the CCP persecutes such a group of people who believe in the principles of Truth-Compassion-Forbearance, it is undoubted that the CCP has shot itself in the foot, turning the world's attention to its vicious nature and crimes against humanity.
Falun Gong Composes a Heroic Song of Triumph
Vice-president of the China Democratic Front Sheng Xue said that the CCP has never ceased to persecute Chinese people since it seized the power in China. Chinese people's constant protests have all been bloodily suppressed by the CCP. "In the past ten years, the Falun Gong group has carried out a peaceful movement of resisting the persecution while exposing the Party's crimes, which has composed a heroic song of triumph for the history of resisting the persecution over the past 60 years in Chinese society."
Sheng Xue said, "In peaceful protest of the persecution, what manifests are perseverance, sincerity, compassion and rationality, and the principles of Falun Gong Truth-Compassion-Forbearance. For the entire Chinese society, and for the hope of the Chinese people, they have dedicated much of their time, energy, money and even despite their personal safety, and stand at the front in resisting the persecution."
She continued that the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and the grand tide of quitting the CCP, have made the groups and Chinese people who cannot see any hope in Chinese society see the hope. The autocratic Party has triggered protests all over China. Chinese people now have clearer judgment of right and wrong. They no longer tolerate the CCP's persecution.
Ms. Sheng Xue believed that the peaceful protest movement initiated by Falun Gong practitioners will definitely wake up all groups that are suffering the persecution in Chinese society. They will work together to resist the CCP's tyranny, until the day when the ideals of democracy, human rights, freedom and rule of law are upheld in Chinese society.
Disintegrating the CCP, Justice Will Prevail
Canadian Representative of China Interim Government Cheng Qijia stated that Falun Gong is the group that suffers the most severe persecution in China. All crimes committed in China have something to do with the CCP. The interim government proposes that with the disintegration of the CCP, justice will prevail. So he came to support Falun Gong practitioners' effort to end the persecution.
Mr. Cheng said that since the CCP came to power in China in 1949, the persecution and struggles have never ceased. He believes that the CCP cannot reform itself on its own initiative, having seen leaders of different periods of time, either turn worse or break away from the CCP. "I have renounced the Youth League with my real name. The grand trend of quitting the CCP shows that it has lost the trust of the people."
Vice president of Canadian China Democratic Front, writer Su Ming stated that Falun Gong's ten-year effort to resist the persecution is a great event. Such a civil spiritual group, has been able to persistently resist the persecution and expose the truth over the past ten years under the cruel suppression and beast-like regime. It is a triumph. As of today, although the CCP claims itself to be strong and flourishing, for such a group, it simply has no way out.
More and More People Awaken
When the rally began, it happened to be the noon lunch hour break for the Chinese Consulate. Many people were lined up outside waiting to do business inside, silently listening to the speeches at the rally.
A Chinese overseas student who did not want to reveal his name applauded at the end of each speaker. He said in an interview, "I took a Falun Gong flyer by chance, and then I got on the websites to learn more. Not until then did I understand what kinds of people Falun Gong practitioners are, completely different from what the CCP propaganda portrays. Later, I was fortunate to get to know several Falun Gong practitioners, and they seemed so kind and compassionate. Following their advice, I started reading Zhuan Falun, and then learned the exercises. I feel fortunate to be in this free society. I want to tell other Chinese people who live in such a free society: Cherish the opportunity to learn more about Falun Gong, you're sure to benefit. In addition, I think the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong actually deprives many people of their rights to pursue goodness and happiness. So I feel bad for those who have been abroad but do not want to learn the truth about Falun Gong."
Monica from Romania passed by the rally. She held up her hands and said, "I support you! I admire you!" When the reporter interviewed her, she said, "Sorry, my English is limited, I can only express with my heart. I admire this group of people here today. They are able to withstand the ten-year suppression, but remain undefeated. I came from a country that was ruled by a communist dictatorship, so I know its brutality. I support this group of people here today. I believe they will definitely succeed."
Chairman of Tribute to Liberty pointed out in his letter that the CCP's ten-year persecution of Falun Gong has violated the Chinese Constitution, the persecution has caused millions of families to be torn apart, and thousands of practitioners have been confirmed to have lost their lives.
Canadians Against Slavery and Torture in Sudan wrote to Canadian Prime Minister Harper, calling for the Prime Minister to stand with Canadians who show concern over this persecution as they condemn the CCP's crimes and demand that it stop the horrible persecution.