(Clearwisdom.net) On July 18, 2009, Falun Gong practitioners held a march and rally in Munich. Their theme was: "Disintegrate the CCP and stop the persecution."
Although it was raining, the march proceeded as scheduled. The European Divine Land Marching Band led the procession. The march caught the attention of many passersby and residents, who paused and watched. Some local residents joined the procession and walked to the end of the march.

The procession passes through busy downtown
A representative from the International Human Rights Association gives a speech in the rain
The European Divine Land Marching Band performs on National Opera Square
"While I was entering a shop, I heard music and saw the procession. I paused and watched. When I saw the banner and knew they were Falun Gong practitioners marching in the rain. I immediately joined the procession and held a banner with a Chinese person. We marched to the end." said Julianne in wet clothes from the one-hour rain.
Three years ago, Julianne saw the practitioners' event on the square by chance. She was shocked to learn of the CCP's atrocity of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners. As a medical worker, Julianne broke into tears. She signed the petition form. Even today, she could not hold back her tears when talking about the CCP's live organ harvesting.
Julianne got totally wet participating in the march. She also carried three bags with books during the whole march. She said, "No problem. Compared to the sufferings of Falun Gong practitioners in China, this inconvenience cannot be mentioned. I participated in the march to fulfill my responsibility to support justice. I hope all Chinese people will be courageous and dare to protest the evil CCP regime until it ends."
Before leaving, Julianne also took some flyers and newspapers, "I'll give these information materials to my acquaintances. If these aren't enough, I'll make more copies to let more people learn the facts."
Another resident, Nadir, also supported the march. When she understood the theme of the march, she said, "Great! I finally find it. I fully support you. The CCP has killed so many people. How can a killer be qualified and have a right to rule?"
Dr. Fei Liangying from Democracy China Federation drove from Nuremberg to attend. Dr. Fei and a representative from the International Human Rights Association both spoke the rally in the rain to support practitioners' efforts to resist the persecution.
The over-three kilometer march lasted an hour. Some Chinese tourists along the path of the march took photos.