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Five-Year-Old Boy Recovers After Falling from the Third Floor

November 23, 2010 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Recently an amazing thing happened in a suburban area of Zhangzhou City, Henan Province. A five-year-old boy fell to the ground from the third floor of a building, and immediately fell unconscious. Later he was diagnosed as having a traumatic and severe cranio-cerebral injury, and doctors said that the boy's life was in grave danger. However, about two weeks later, he had recovered completely without medical treatment. Here is his story.

Li Pushu, a five-year-old boy who lived in a village in Zhengzhou City, liked cartoons very much, especially the show "Armored Warriors." The boy thought that he could fly like the cartoon characters. At approximately 6:30 p.m. on August 2, 2010, Li Pushu and his three-year-old cousin were playing together at home on the third floor. He told his cousin, "Watch me. I can fly!" He then jumped out of the third floor window. Li Pushu's grandmother was washing clothes in the courtyard when she heard a plopping sound. It was her grandson! She ran over and saw that the boy's eyes were closed, and his body limp.

The little boy was then sent to the emergency room. He was in a coma, and his electrocardiogram was not normal. The doctors diagnosed Pushu as having a severe cranio-cerebral injury, which meant a brain injury along with a fractured skull. He was quickly sent to the intensive care unit.

The boy's grandmother is a Falun Dafa practitioner. She stood beside him and said, "Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good." Just after she finished saying these words twice, the boy's eyes opened and then closed. She told his parents not to cry anymore, but instead say, "Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good." Pushu's father didn't believe it would help. Pushu's grandmother talked to the boy's mother, "My child, you have benefited from Dafa. You know Dafa is good. Just say those words together with me." Then Pushu's mother and grandmother recited those words from the heart.

Doctors said that if the boy was still not awake by midnight, then he would need open cranial surgery. They told Pushu's parents, "The boy's life will be at risk during the entire operation." Time seemed to go very slowly that night. At 11:30 p.m., the boy was still not awake. However, when hope was fading, he suddenly woke up at 11:47 p.m. Pushu's grandmother knew it was compassionate Teacher who saved the boy.

Doctors told Pushu's family that the third day is a critical time. If the boy's life was no longer in danger after that day, he would be transferred to an ordinary care unit. On the third day, Pushu's father was worried again. Pushu's grandmother told them, "Don't worry. Last night I prayed for Teacher to save the boy and let his health recover soon, so that more people will believe 'Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.'" At that moment, a nurse came out of the room with Pushu. The boy looked bright-eyed and alert, and the whole family was elated. Pushu's aunt said, "Mom, your Teacher is protecting the boy really well, really well." Pushu's father said, "Mom, keep on practicing Falun Dafa! I will not bother you anymore!" (Pushu's grandmother had been persecuted several times because of her firm belief in Falun Dafa, so Pushu's father wanted her to stop practicing.) The whole family smiled with joy.

Pushu left the hospital on August 19. After about 10 more days, the boy had recovered completely and showed no symptoms at all. More amazingly, Pushu had color-blindness and inflammation of his throat before the accident happened, but after the accident, his color blindness disappeared and his voice sounded better than ever. Pushu's grandmother expressed her sincere thanks to the many well-wishers that came by to see the boy, and used the opportunity to help them to understand the power of Falun Dafa.