(Clearwisdom.net) On the evening of December 14, 2010, Falun Gong practitioners in Western Australia participated in the annual Christmas Parade in the city of Mandurah.

Falun Gong practitioners participated in the annual Christmas Parade in Mandurah

First place trophy won by the Falun Gong practitioners

The Falun Gong waist drum group and lion dancers were a warmly welcomed contingent of the parade
Stepping off at sunset, the parade brought a holiday a atmosphere to the City of Mandurah. The Falun Gong practitioners performed a fan dance, a lion dance, and played the waist drums. Leading the procession was a large banner reading "Falun Dafa is Great." Three practitioners dressed as celestial maidens followed the banner, carrying fans with "Truth-Compassion-Forbearance" printed on them.
The spectators applauded the dancers and some danced along with them.
A staff of the hosting organization told the Falun Gong group, "You are the best group in the parade. It's so exciting."
The parade's judging committee made a decision quickly, with Mayor Paddi Creevey announcing that the Falun Gong group won first place in the annual Christmas parade.