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Several Falun Gong Practitioners in Xinjiang Repeatedly Arrested and Sentenced

December 24, 2010 |   By a Clearwisdom correspondent from Xinjiang Autonomous Region

(Clearwisdom.net) Ms. Chen Meng, a teacher at the Bayingolin No. 2 Middle School, in Korla, Xinjiang, and Ms. Fan Baoming, a staff member from the Electric Power Bureau in Xinjiang, were illegally arrested by police from the Korla City Domestic Security Division in August 2009 for printing Falun Gong materials.

Both practitioners have been persecuted in forced labor camps before. In November 2010, they were unlawfully sentenced to eight years in prison without being given a trial. Another practitioner, Ms. Dong Xiuyun, was also sentenced to seven years in prison at the same time. They are imprisoned at the Second Women's Prison in Xinjiang.

In June 2010, four practitioners from Korla City, Xinjiang were arrested. They were Ms. Cui Jiafang, 59 years old; Ms. Zhuang Ying, 44 years old; Ms. He Lidong, 42 years old; and Ms. He Maohua, 39 years old.

The Women's Prison in Xinjiang has a notoriously long history of persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. Ms. Zhao Shuyuan, a practitioner from Urumqi City in Xinjiang has been imprisoned there since July 2004. Though she was tortured, she refused to give up her belief and practice of Falun Gong. She tore up the Chinese Communist Party's propaganda material about Falun Gong. The guards then handcuffed her to a bed for several months. When she was last seen in September 2005, Ms. Zhao was still cuffed and her sentence had been extended for another year.

Those who have arrested and persecuted practitioners include:

Policemen Hai Yun and Cui Xinquan
Song Weijiang, Director of the Korla City Domestic Security Division: 86-13119963335 (Cell)
Ji Zhiqiang, section chief, 86-13899023770 (Cell)
Wang Yajie, policeman, 86-13779683000 (Cell)