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Deterring the Authorities' Persecution with Unified Righteous Thoughts and Actions

December 26, 2010 |  


This report highlights the activities of our coordinated group of urban Dafa practitioners. With Teacher's support, practitioners acted with righteous thoughts and deterred the authorities.

In 2008, practitioners held in our city prison were brutally tortured and persecuted. Some were severely injured; others were even tortured to death. Practitioners outside the prison acted with one unified goal and placed ourselves near the prison to send righteous thoughts and expose the evil persecution. Some prison policemen received immediate karmic retribution and died suddenly from diseases or car accidents. We recorded what happened to them, then published it on the Internet. Then, we printed everything into booklets. We distributed the booklets to every household in the areas in close proximity to the prison, exposing the evil persecution. We learned later that most of the police administrators lived downtown. Seven or eight buses took them daily to work at the prison. We decided to follow them home from the downtown bus stops, so we could deliver flyers and booklets to them. When the bus arrived, each practitioner followed an officer. The officers were very frightened—some constantly turned around to look at us. Some even started to run, probably because the evil elements behind them were scared. The officer that I followed suddenly started to run, so I ran after him. He arrived at a building, then turned and went upstairs. I got there just in time to see him and recorded his address. When I returned, I saw a fellow practitioner who told me that the officer she'd followed constantly looked back at her and then suddenly started to run, so she also ran after him. The officer went inside a bank and hid there, so she waited outside. After a while, the officer came out, looked around, then started to run, so she ran behind him. They came to a building, and when the officer went in, she recorded his address. We also sent righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil elements while we were following them.

The other day, I followed another policeman. He looked frightened and tried to mingle with the crowd. Suddenly, he went inside a gate. I quickly followed him and recorded his address. Then, I saw another policeman going up the stairs outside the building. He kept looking at me as he went up. He tried to hide, although he was quite high up the building. He couldn't decide whether to continue going up or to come down. Eventually, he continued upstairs to his home, and I recorded his address. Later, I learned that this was a military research center. Generally, such a place would be carefully guarded by soldiers at the gate. I managed to get in since it was noontime, when many people had gone home. I sent righteous thoughts and successfully completed my task.

In our coordinated action, we delivered truth clarification booklets and flyers to the doors of almost all the leaders and heads of the police force working at the prison. We told them not to torture or persecute Dafa practitioners, since there is a heavenly rule that good will be rewarded and the bad punished. Our actions effectively deterred the evil forces and those malicious people. The situation and environment in our area greatly improved, and all the policemen in the prison learned that they'd be punished if they tortured or persecuted practitioners. Subsequently, none of them were willing to harm practitioners. These were our Fa-rectification cultivation activities this year. We demonstrated how powerful we can be when we work closely together.