The Cultivation Path of a Woman Physician

( Please allow me to send greetings and the highest respect to Revered Master via the Seventh Internet Experience Sharing Conference for Practitioners in China!

Looking back along my cultivation path, things appear to have faded into the past. What stays with me forever is Master's mercy. Master's immense mercy is beyond what words can describe.

Do Well As a Coordinator


Greetings, great and compassionate Master!

Greetings, dear fellow practitioners!

Qualities and Responsibilities of a Coordinator

I used to be an assistant coordinator for our practice group and am now one of the main coordinators in our area. There have been times over the years where I stumbled and even fell in my cultivation. I have many things to share from my experiences being a coordinator, but I will only share the main points here.

Taiwan: County Passes Resolution to Bar Human Rights Scoundrels (Photos)

( On December 3, Hualian County Council unanimously passed a resolution on human rights. The resolution calls for the Taiwan Mainland Affair Office and Immigration Bureau to review visiting Chinese officials' backgrounds in detail and to deny entry to anyone who is a human rights scoundrel. The resolution also requests that the Hualian County government and civil groups not to invite and/or host any Chinese officials who are classified as human rights scoundrels.

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