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Additional Persecution News from China - January 21, 2010 (23 Reports)

February 16, 2010 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Today's News from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 19 cities or counties in 16 provinces. In this report, 46 practitioners were subjected to mistreatment during their detention and at least 30 practitioners were illegally arrested.

  1. [Yanji City, Jilin Province] Tens of Practitioners Arrested
  2. [Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Chai Ailian Arrested
  3. [Wenling City, Zhejiang Province] Five Practitioners Tried
  4. [Tianjin] Ms. Jia Wenguang Held at Hebei Police Department
  5. [Hailaer District, Oroqin Autonomous Banner] Ms. Zhang Qingyun Arrested
  6. [She County, Hebei Province] Ms. Wang Bin and Other Practitioners Threatened
  7. [Beijing] Ms. Yang Chunxiu Taken to Brainwashing Center
  8. [Beijing] Ms. Zhang Lin Arrested
  9. [Nanpi County, Hebei Province] Ms. Wang Jing Arrested by Police Officers from the Nanpi County Department and Held at the Nanpi County Detention Center
  10. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Zhang Qiulian Secretly Sentenced to Imprisonment
  11. [Hailin City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Zhou Huifang Arrested and Tried Secretly
  12. [Bejing] Many Practitioners Brutally Tortured
  13. [Lingyuan City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Zhao Changfu and Mr. Hou Baoshan Held at the Haidian District Detention Center
  14. [Yichang City, Hubei Province] Ms. Sun Yong Sentenced
  15. [Fuxin City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Gao Lianzhen Will Be Tried
  16. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Recent Information on Ms. Shu Dong'an
  17. [Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province] Ms. Feng Huimin Detained at the Hangzhou City Detention Center No. 9 Ward, No. 3 Room, on June 23, 2009
  18. [Mian County, Shaani Province] Ms. Wang Fengzhen Arrested
  19. [Xiamen City, Fujian Province] Ms. Wang Cuilan and Mr. Fan Chunlei Arrested
  20. [ Rizhao City, Shandong Province] Practitioners to be Sentenced
  21. [Humenggenhe City, Inner Mongolia Prefecture] Ms. Xu Qingzhi Arrested by Two Police Officers in Genhe While She Was at the Home of Her Son
  22. [ Rizhao City, Shandong Province] Practitioners to Be Sentenced
  23. [Anqiu City, Shandong Province] Mr. Zhang Fengxue Arrested
  24. [Luzhou City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Gao Xianying Arrested

1. [Yanji City, Jilin Province] Tens of Practitioners Arrested

Since the middle of January 2010, practitioners from Yanji City and Bajiazi Town, Helong City, have been arrested by police officers from the local 610 Offices, the National Security Division, and the police stations in Yanbian Prefecture. Practitioners arrested in Yanji City included: Mr. Zhao Xueshun, Ms. Wang Shuhua, Song (gender and first name unknown), Ms. Liu Wenwen, Ms. Liu Lulu, Ms. Jing Meiying, and Mr. Zhang Xingcai. Practitioners arrested in Bajiazi Town, Helong City, included: Ms. Liu Jun and Ms. Pang Fengxian. There were additional arrests of practitioners whose names are unknown. They are being held at the Yanji City Industry School (near East First Road). Reportedly, there is a brainwashing session being conducted in Yanbian Prefecture for Falun Gong practitioners.

2. [Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Chai Ailian Arrested

At approximately 9:00 p.m., on January 19, 2010, police officers from the National Security Division, Mudanjiang City, stormed into Ms. Chai Ailian's home in Tielinghe. The officers confiscated a computer and a printer and arrested Ms. Chai .

3. [Wenling City, Zhejiang Province] Five Practitioners Tried

On the morning of January 19, 2010, five practitioners including Ms. Lin Guilian were tried in the Wenling City Court. The procurator fabricated evidence so that the five practitioners would be sentenced to prison. Ms. Lin refuted the false evidence and explained the facts. During the five months while Ms. Lin was held at a detention center, she was constantly interrogated by the police. She was tortured on the tiger bench, shocked with electric batons, had cold water poured on her repeatedly, and was force-fed unknown drugs. She was made to sign a confession while she was semi-conscious. After she lost consciousness, they planned to sentence her.

4. [Tianjin] Ms. Jia Wenguang Held at Hebei Police Department

Ms. Jia Wenguang, 30, is a resident of the Hebei District, Tianjin City. She was arrested by the Dajiang Road Police Station in the Hebei District and is being held at the Hebei District Department.

The Dajiang Road Police Station: 86-22-26320853, 86-22-26772754
Ren, the arresting officer: 86-22-81356750

5. [Hailaer District, Oroqin Autonomous Banner] Ms. Zhang Qingyun Arrested

On November 9, 2009, Ms. Zhang Qingyun from the Hailaer District was arrested. The same day, other practitioners, including Ms. Zheng Shihuan from the Hailaer Children's Palace, a schoolteacher from the railway school, and a teacher from Xieertala, had their homes ransacked.

Liang Liping, female, executive officer, Hailaer District Court, Oroqin Autonomous Banner: 86-13722038177 (Cell)

6. [She County, Hebei Province] Ms. Wang Bin and Other Practitioners Threatened

On December 25, 2009, Mr. Wang Bin, Ms. Zhang Guiying, and Mr. Zhao Jianfeng, all employees of the Tianjin City Iron Factory, were arrested and held. Family members went to ask for their release but were unsuccessful. Ms. Zhang was sick and taken to a hospital to receive treatment but was not released. A member of Mr. Wang's family, who is not a practitioner, was threatened. Police officers said the families had to pay at least 40,000 yuan for each detainee, otherwise the practitioners would be subjected to forced labor.

7. [Beijing] Ms. Yang Chunxiu Taken to Brainwashing Center

Ms. Yang Chunxiu was arrested sometime between December 25 and December 30, 2009. She has been taken to a brainwashing center in Beijing.

For more information, please see: "Ms. Yang Chunxiu, Who Has Had to Live Away from Home for Years, Arrested Again:"


8. [Beijing] Ms. Zhang Lin Arrested

Ms. Zhang Lin, a teacher at the Second Sub College, Beijing College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, was arrested at the gateway of a railway station in Beijing. She recently retired and was arrested by someone who was following her. Her employer was informed and later told her family to send some clothes for her. Details about her whereabouts are unclear.

9. [Nanpi County, Hebei Province] Ms. Wang Jing Arrested by Police Officers from the Nanpi County Department and Held at the Nanpi County Detention Center

    10. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Zhang Qiulian Secretly Sentenced to Imprisonment

    Ms. Zhang Qiulian, who lives on Zhucheng Street in the Xinzhou District, Wuhan City, is in her 40s. Officer Yuan Junping from the Xinzhou District Police Department arrested Ms. Zhang at 11:00 p.m. on April 9, 2009, while she was handing out Falun Gong flyers. Her hands were handcuffed behind a chair and she was savagely beaten. The brutal assault left her incontinent. Under orders from Officer Ding Xiaoguang, a group of police officers broke into Ms. Zhang's home. They confiscated her Falun Gong books, exercise tapes, and other personal belongings; ransacked her living room; and took a Buddha statue. Deputy police chief Zeng Jinan and others transported her overnight to the Wuhan No. 1 Detention Center. Her teenage son, who was about to take a high school entrance exam, was left at home on his own.

    Ms. Zhang Qiulian has been detained twice before and both times was held in forced labor camp(s).

    Zeng Jinan, Xinzhou District Police Department deputy head in Wuhan City: 86-13707123866 (Cell)
    Yu Xiaoguang, political head at the Xinzhou District Police Department in Wuhan City: 86-13317167667 (Cell)
    Liu Junshun, 610 Office head: 86-27-86925760 (Home), 86-13018032266 (Cell)

    11. [Hailin City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Zhou Huifang Arrested and Tried Secretly

    Ms. Zhou Huifang from Hailin City was explaining the facts about Falun Gong to high school student Shen Wenbo, who later reported her. She was arrested by the Hailin City First Police Station and held at the Hailin City Detention Center. She was to be tried on January 19, 2010.

    Members of her family went to the court on the morning of January 19, 2010, but no one was there. The family learned that Ms. Zhou had been secretly tried on the afternoon of January 18, 2010. The trial was held early because the head judge was severely ill. The family was not informed.

    12. [Bejing] Many Practitioners Brutally Tortured

      Prior to the Olympics, several practitioners who would not give up Falun Gong were transferred to the Shanxi Province Women's Labor Camp and sentenced to two years of forced labor. The terms would have expired in January 2010, but they were not released unconditionally. The guards were trying all kinds of ways to force the practitioners to give up practicing.

      Since June of 2009, a few of the practitioners have been denied family visits. If a practitioner did not write a guarantee statement, agents from local neighborhood administration 610 Office (at present, the 610 Office agents are located in the township, town, and neighborhood administration organization buildings) would pick them up when they were released--instead of their families--and take them directly to a local brainwashing center. The families are worried about the status of these practitioners.

      Practitioners from Beijing being held at the Shanxi Province Women's Labor Camp are: Ms. Huang Ling, instructor from Beijing Media University, 34 years old; Ms. Guo Xiuyun from Miyun County, 50 years old; Ms. Li Yunjin from Beijing Aviation Research Institute, 40 years old; and Ms. Ma Fengqin from the Haidian District, 50 years old.

      Shanxi Province Women's Labor Camp Zip code 030003
      No. 3 Group: 86-351-2785803
      Administration Department: 86-351-2785805
      Liu Zhongmei, instructor
      Lei Hongzhen, ward leader

      13. [Lingyuan City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Zhao Changfu and Mr. Hou Baoshan Held at the Haidian District Detention Center

        Mr. Zhao Changfu and Mr. Hou Baoshan from Lingyuan City went to Beijing to accompany a friend seeking medical treatment. While they were checking into a hotel, they were arrested by police officers from the Haidian District Department because information about their identification through the Internet database showed that they were Falun Gong practitioners. They are being held at the Haidian District.

        Haidian District Detention Center, 25 Wenyang Road, Sujiatuo Town: 86-10-62400850

        14. [Yichang City, Hubei Province] Ms. Sun Yong Sentenced

          In mid December 2009, Ms. Sun Yong from Gezhouba in the Xiling District, Yichang City, was sentenced to four years in prison by the local National Security Division and the 610 Office in Yixing City, Jiangsu Province. She is being held at the Jiangsu Province Women's Prison.

          Mr. Liu Cheng and Ms. Liu Xiang Wenlan from the Yiling District, Yichang City, were arrested by agents from the National Security Division and the 610 Office in September 2009. Ms. Xiang was sentenced to four years in prison. Mr. Liu's whereabouts is unknown.

          15. [Fuxin City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Gao Lianzhen Will Be Tried

          Ms. Gao Lianzhen, a resident of Fuxin City, was arrested by police officers from the Qinghemen Town Station when she was clarifying the truth in Qinghemen Town on the morning of August 22, 2009. After officers interrogated her, they ransacked her home and took away Dafa books and other personal property including a cell phone. She was taken to the Xindi Detention Center in Fuxin City and tortured.

          On the morning of January 19, 2010, Xu Hongjun, an attorney with the Sanbang Attorney Institute in Fuxin City, notified the family that there would be a trial for Ms. Gao at the Qinghemen District Court in Fuxin City between 1:00 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. on January 21, 2010. Ms. Gao's family was not able to visit her beforehand.

          16. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Recent Information on Ms. Shu Dong'an

          Ms. Shu Dong'an, 56, lives at the World Garden in the Heping District. Before she practiced Falun Gong, she had a lung disease that was related to her job as chemist. In 1998, she began to practice Falun Gong, which gave her a new life.

          On April 17, 2009, when she was clarifying the facts, she was arrested by police officer Xu Yongqin, the group leader of National Security Division in the Heping District Department, and Liu Yanhan, police officer from the World Garden. Ms. Shu was hiding in a garage at the time. They stormed into her home and took a computer and three printers. Later, they applied for an arrest warrant for Ms. Shu on the grounds that she was "organizing a cult and subversion of state law." Their request was turned down by the Procuratorate because of insufficient evidence.

          Although the National Security Division should have released her unconditionally, Xu Yongqin, required Ms. Shu Dong'an and her family to sign, at the time of release, a statement "admitting" to the crime of "organizing a cult and subversion of state law." She would not have been released otherwise. She thought about the statement after returning home and felt the incorrect confession should be corrected. In November and December 2009, she went to the National Security Division twice to talk to Xu Yongqin and told him that Falun Dafa was good and encouraged him to be kind. Xu Yongqin documented what she had said and told her to sign the document of her recorded words. On December 30, 2009, Xu Yongqin called Ms. Shu and threatened to arrest her if she did not go to the National Security Divison that afternoon before 1 p.m. That afternoon, Ms. Shu was arrested and detained at the Shenyang City Detention Center.

          17. [Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province] Ms. Feng Huimin Detained at the Hangzhou City Detention Center No. 9 Ward, No. 3 Room, on June 23, 2009

          18. [Mian County, Shaani Province] Ms. Wang Fengzhen Arrested

          Ms. Wang Fengzhen, a senior citizen from Mian County, was stopped and arrested by Officer Gao Xiaobo from the Chengdong Police Station in Mian County, a director at the county police department, and other three police officers on January 17, 2010, soon after she stepped out of her door. She was initially held at the Chengdong Police Station. Later, she was transferred to a detention center. Ms. Wang's home was ransacked and personal property was taken.

          Gao Xiaobo: 86-13572621311 (Cell)
          Gao Xihong, director of the Mian County Police Department: 86-916-3292818
          Zhao Xue, leader of National Security Division: 86-13509166618 (Cell)
          Zhang Xiao (female), a police officer of the detention center: 86-13571683625 (Cell), 86-916-5816299, 86-13892655309 (Cell)
          Yan Haiqing, the deputy chief of the 610 Office: 86-916-3239910, 86-13892634310 (Cell)
          Qin Xiaoling, the deputy chief of the administration office: 86-916-3239992, 86- 13892665806 (Cell)

          19. [Xiamen City, Fujian Province] Ms. Wang Cuilan and Mr. Fan Chunlei Arrested

          On January 14, 2010, at approximately 9:00 a.m., more than ten officers from the Xiamen City Police Department arrested Mr. Fan Chunlei while he was walking from his job to a rented apartment in Neilin Village in the Jimei District, Xiamen City. They ransacked the room. His mother, Ms. Wang Cuilan, was taken to the Xinglin Police Station in the Jimei District, outside Xiamen Island. Mr. Fan was taken to the Siming District Police Department in Xiamen City. His whereabouts is unknown. Surveillance police observed three practitioners distributing truth clarifying materials and took their photo. Mr Fan and Ms. Wang were arrested based on printed photos.

          20. [Humenggenhe City, Inner Mongolia Prefecture] Ms. Xu Qingzhi Arrested by Two Police Officers in Genhe While She Was at the Home of Her Son

          21.[ Rizhao City, Shandong Province] Practitioners to Be Sentenced

            Practitioners held at a hotel near Shanhatian were secretly interrogated. Some were subjected to forced labor and others sentenced to prison. No visitation of any kind was allowed. Police officers planned to secretly take them away in three days.

            22. [Anqiu City, Shandong Province] Mr. Zhang Fengxue Arrested

            On December 18, 2009, Mr. Zhang Fengxue was arrested in Anqiu City. He is a resident of Tufu Village, Qingqiu Town, Changle County. He has one brother that relies on medication and is unable to take care of himself and another brother who cannot work. The entire family depends on Mr. Zhang's income and lives in poverty. On the afternoon of December 19, 2009, Liu, the director of Atuo Police Station; Zhang Zengsheng, the secretary of Tufu Village CCP; alnd others went to Mr. Zhang's home. They ransacked it and grabbed two boxes of Dafa books, a TV, two DVD players, and one MP3.

            Atuo Police Station, Yingqiu Town, Changle County:
            Liu Jingxing, director of police: 86-13406631888, 86-536-6299753, 86-536-6233522
            Liu Jinyong, deputy director: 86-13695362666 (Cell), 86-536-62-99754, 86-536-6299528

            23. [Luzhou City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Gao Xianying Arrested

            On December 15, 2009, while Ms. Gao Xianying was in Luzhou City, she was confronted by Officer Li Youquan, who took her to the police station. Forty yuan bills with truth clarifying words written on them were found on her and she was taken to the Naxi Detention Center in Luzhou City. Later, several thousand yuan was extorted from Ms. Gao's son for her release.