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The Cultivation Experiences of an Eighty-Four Year Old Practitioner

February 05, 2010 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) I am eighty-four years old, and I started practicing Falun Gong in 1995.

1. Passing the test of Illness Karma

In the fall of 2007, while I was visiting my third younger brother in his village, I fell off of a staircase, about five feet up, and landed on my head. My relatives were all worried for me. My youngest sister's husband and his son took me to the hospital immediately. The X-ray showed that my first and second lumbar vertebrae were overlapping. The doctor said that I would have to stay at the hospital and that there was a high possibility that I would be paralyzed. My relatives were all nervous and tried to talk me into staying at the hospital.

I was very calm. I thought this tribulation was arranged by the old forces. I am a Dafa disciple, how could I acknowledge it? I told everyone present, "I won't stay in the hospital." Under my insistence, they agreed to let me go, and I went to my younger brother's home. I had a lot of pain in my back, but I had a firm thought, "I am a Dafa disciple, and I don't acknowledge the old forces' arrangement."

On the third day, my daughter brought me an MP3 player with Teacher's Fa lectures. Day and night, I listened to it as long as I had time, and I kept reciting "Don't Be Sad" (Hong Yin Volume II). Thus, with determined faith in Teacher and Dafa and with Teacher's benevolent protection, my body started to get better.

Twenty days later, I could walk; forty five days later, I returned to my home; three months later, I could do the Falun Gong exercises. Now, I am completely recovered. I can bend my back and walk as usual.

It was a great shock to my relatives. Being over eighty years old, and with the overlapping lumbar vertebrae, If I had not been a practitioner, how could I not have been paralyzed? I would have already been paralyzed. But now, I walk without any problem. How miraculous and supernormal Dafa is!

My first and second younger sisters had been heavily poisoned by the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP's) party culture and used to be against Dafa. After this incident, their attitude toward Dafa completely changed. My children are now very respectful to Teacher and Dafa.

2. Passing the test of Sentimentality

On May 30, 2009, my fourth younger brother died in a car accident. My children hid it from me for fear that it would be too hard for me to bear. When I heard it later, my heart was indeed shaken. I had a very strong attachment of sentimentality to this brother. He had stayed with me from our younger days all the way to college. I provided him financial support to go to college. Later, he had mental problems and returned to our hometown. I kept sending money to support him. He was just like part of me, and he died so terribly. How could I not be sorrowful?

Then I said to myself, "Isn't this a test to see if I can let go of the attachment to sentimentality?" So, I adjusted my thoughts. I remembered that Teacher said, "If you want to practice cultivation, human sentimentality must be relinquished." ("Demonic Interference From One's Own Mind," Lecture Six, Zhuan Falun, 2000 translation).

I am Teacher's disciple, how could I not listen to Teacher? So, I let go of my attachment. But, it was not over yet. Two months later, my third younger brother also died in car accident. Facing this bigger tribulation, I felt very sad again. With the help of the practitioners in our Fa-study group, I studied the Fa more and rejected the old forces' arrangement. I calmly passed the two hurdles of sentimentality. My work in doing the three things was not impacted. I was illiterate before practicing Falun Gong. After I began practicing, I could read. I could read all the Dafa books and I could even write by copying the books. Now, my hearing and vision are good. My heart pacemaker has disappeared, but I live perfectly fine. I take care of myself, cooking and washing clothes. I go to the Fa study group twice a week to study the Fa and send forth righteous thoughts. At home, I study the Fa and do the exercise every day. I also go out to distribute truth-clarification materials, clarify the truth of Dafa to people directly, and advise people to withdraw from the CCP and its affiliated organizations.

Original Article: January 20, 2010