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Former Government Spokesman: All People Should See Shen Yun (Photos)

March 26, 2010 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Cheng Wen-Tsan, a former minister of the Government Information Office and spokesman of the Executive Yuan, attended the fourth performance of the Shen Yun Performing Arts New York Company in Taipei on March 21. Audience members warmly responded throughout the performance and many were moved to tears.

Mr. Cheng said that all Chinese people should see the show, which presents the true, traditional Chinese culture: "It's really great! I think all people should come to see the show."

Mr. Cheng said that the program, from the beginning to end, makes people feel hopeful, but one thing troubled him: "I've just come to know that the orthodox Chinese culture is so glorious, but has been repressed so long in China."

Cheng Wen-Tsan, former minister of the Government Information Office and spokesman of the Executive Yuan.

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts is bringing to the world China's traditional culture and artistic forms through classical Chinese dance. As its source, Shen Yun draws on 5,000 years of Chinese culture, which is traditionally regarded as a divinely inspired culture.

Mr. Cheng said that the culture spread by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is so different from the traditional Chinese culture represented by Shen Yun: "I strongly felt that the traditional Chinese culture is actually completely different from the culture of communist China."

He said he saw many in the audience in tears during the dance that depicted a Falun Gong practitioner who was beaten to death by the CCP because of her belief in truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance. "It is really sad that such a thing still exists in the world," he said.

Mr. Cheng expressed his delight with the light-hearted dance In a Miao Village, in which the girls wear traditional silver jewelry. "The dance is very beautiful as a whole," he said.

He appreciated Shen Yun's combination of traditional culture with a modern, dynamic backdrop saying that it creates a show that is excellent in both form and content. "I believe that all people in Taiwan will love the show," he said.

Deputy Minister Moved by Shen Yun

Charng Kao, Deputy Minister of Mainland Affairs Council in Taiwan, saw Shen Yun Performing Arts New York Company in Taipei on March 21. "It was very moving, very moving! The production and plans of the whole show are carefully made."

Mr. Kao went to see the show with his wife and her sister. He said that he saw Shen Yun last year and felt it was very good. He said this year he has a more profound understanding and appreciation of the programs.

Charng Kao, Deputy Minister, Mainland Affairs Council, Mrs. Kao, and the couple of Mrs. Kao's sister (left to right) saw Shen Yun in Taipei on March 21.

Mr. Kao felt that the opening performance, The Emperor Ushers in a Glorious Age, is striking and magnificent. He was quite moved by the ancient tradition: The emperor and his officials created a flourishing age of divine culture in the divine land of ancient China, with glorious civil and military management.

Mr. Kao was once a research fellow of Chung-Hua Institute for Economic Research. He said many of his colleagues there practice Falun Gong, so he knows quite a bit about the peaceful meditation practice. He was therefore quite moved by the performance, Nothing Can Block the Divine Path. He thought that the performance tells people the truth, "good and bad will be rewarded."

Mr. Kao thought that Shen Yun's programs "belong to traditional Chinese culture, which I love very much. When I saw the pictures, movements, or dramas, I recalled my life experience, not only the present, but also my childhood. I recalled and compared them with my life, it was very moving."

"We are all the Chinese race." Mr. Kao said, "The 5,000 years of Chinese culture and Confucianism has much influence on our life." He believes that to get along with others in the current society, we should remember "compassion" and "forbearance."

Shen Yun 'Really Excellent'

The atmosphere in the auditorium of the National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, the venue that hosted 2010 Shen Yun Performing Arts' in Taipei, was incomparably pure and peaceful. Recommended and accompanied by his friend, Dr. Wang Yuanfu, Mr. Lin Chun-Chao, District Governor of Rotary International District 3500 in the years of 2005-2006, attended Shen Yun in the evening of March 21 along with seven others. They shared that they were greatly moved by the performance.

Mr. and Mrs. Lin also gave high praise to the solo of tenor Mr. Hong Ming

Mr. Lin, a dentist who operates the Guo-Tai Dental Clinic in Toayuan county, he said, "I have never seen any show like Shen Yun. It is excellent, really excellent. The dancing artists are very skillful. Each program, no matter whether it is Handkerchiefs or In a Miao Village, is extremely beautiful."

Mr. and Mrs. Lin were particularly impressed by the scene Mongolian Hospitality when the female dancing performers spread their long skirts simultaneously on the stage. Mr. Lin was also moved by Fairies of the Clouds, the opening dance for the second half of the show. In this dance, fairies dance lightly in the white clouds when the curtain was pulled open.

Mr. and Mrs. Lin highly praised the solo performance of tenor Mr. Hong Ming. They noted that even though the lyrics of the song are simple and concise, the connotations are quite profound. In an admiring tone, Mr. Lin commented, "Shen Yun performance is an outstanding world-class show! I will certainly recommend my friends and relatives to see the show."



