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Falun Dafa Practitioners Make the Best of Their Situations

March 05, 2010 |   By a practitioner from China


A Determined Elderly Practitioner

Practitioner A is almost 80 years old. She was once imprisoned for a year because she told people the truth about Falun Dafa and the persecution. Every year during the Chinese New Year, she posts a pair of red couplets on her door saying, "The world needs Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance -- Receive Blessings for Treating Dafa Kindly" and "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is Good!"

A police officer heard what was written on the couplets, and rushed to her home. He shouted, "How dare you post these! Tear them up!" She calmly replied, "Isn't Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance good? Isn't it true that the world needs Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance?" The officer was dumbfounded and didn't know what to say. He tore up the couplets and ran away. She immediately wrote another pair of couplets and put them up.

On another occasion, when she was clarifying the truth and distributing materials with another young practitioner, someone who didn't know the facts reported them to the authorities. As a result, the two were arrested and taken to the police station. The next day when she was released, she told the police, "We came together and we should leave together, or I won't leave!" The officer had to take her to the room where the other practitioner was detained. Surrounded by a group of officers, the young practitioner was lying on the sofa and couldn't move. One officer asked the elderly practitioner, "Can you wake her up? Otherwise, how can she leave with you?" She replied, "Let me try! You stay away." She sat down and sent forth righteous thoughts. Gradually the young practitioner could move. Later, she could sit up and then slowly stand up. After witnessing the miraculousness of Dafa, the officers realized their wrongdoing and sent the two home. The policeman who detained her told her secretly that he would like to have a copy of the informational material.

How a Gangster Changed

Practitioner B is handicapped and in his fifties. He used to be in a gang.

His wife became a Falun Gong practitioner first. She once went to Beijing to validate Dafa and was sent back to her hometown by the police. After she was released, he beat her up and stomped on her so she wouldn't go out again. However, his violent tactics didn't work, and his wife still went out to tell people the truth about Falun Gong and the persecution, and distribute materials. He was puzzled and decided to read Zhuan Falun. After reading the book, he realized that Falun Gong helps people to cultivate themselves in a good way, and teaches them to be kind. He also came to understand that his wife was doing a good deed by letting people know the truth about Dafa, and that it can truly benefit the country and its people. After that, he started studying the Fa, doing the Falun Gong exercises, clarifying the truth, and distributing materials.

A group of police officers ransacked Practitioner B's home one night. They couldn't find anything and said, "You have all the equipment to produce Falun Gong materials. Your home must be a materials production site." He replied, "You also have some of the same equipment in your home. Does that make your home a production site?" The police had no reply.

When his wife was imprisoned in a forced labor camp, he shouldered all the responsibility for the family. When he visited his wife, he encouraged her to firmly believe in Dafa. Meanwhile, he made every effort to get the legal system to release her.

Practitioner B also continued to distribute materials to many areas and told people about doing the "three withdrawals" (withdrawing from the Chinese Communist Party and its two youth organizations). When he got home, he helped those who wanted to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations to write a declaration statement to be published on the Internet. A police officer even said to him, "Although your wife is detained, people are getting more Falun Gong materials these days. It seems that Falun Gong is well received. So many people practice Falun Gong."

Unmoved by an Adverse Situation

Practitioner C, who is in her sixties, started practicing Falun Gong in 1997. In 2006, she was illegally sentenced to fifteen months of forced labor. After she returned home, she lived with her daughter and son-in-law. The son-in-law's brother is the secretary of the local Party Committee and people's representative in the village, and his sister is also a member of the CCP's Women's Union. They pressure the daughter about Practitioner C. In addition, the police constantly harass their family. As a result, Practitioner C's daughter doesn't support her practice of Dafa or allow her to meet with other practitioners. If she wants to visit other practitioners, she needs two yuan in transportation fare, and the daughter refuses to give her the money. None of Practitioner C's three children are in favor of her practicing.

Through studying the Fa, she thought of Master. She thought to herself, "I am almost 70 years old and I still have Master. Everyone in this world has parents, but not many have Master. If I hadn't practiced Falun Gong, I would have lost my life long ago. My children don't realize that only Dafa can bring happiness to the human world."

Since then, she has been more strict with herself. She eliminated her attachment of fear by studying the Fa, and when tribulations occur, she doesn't complain, but instead looks unconditionally inside. Every conflict she encounters is treated as an opportunity to improve her xinxing and is a test for her belief in Dafa and Master. She is trying to resolve her children's misunderstandings with compassion and by clarifying the truth to them. She has never stopped distributing materials and clarifying the truth. She survives on a mere 200 yuan per month by eating only rice and preserved vegetables. She spends only ten yuan on food and donates the rest of the money to make truth-clarification materials, or uses it on transportation fare when she goes out to tell people the facts.

February 5, 2010