Mr. Xiao Hongmo Dies in Custody in Sichuan Province

Name: Xiao Hongmo (肖洪模)

Gender: Male

Age: 47

Address: Geology Compound, 101 Dong Street, Luocheng Town, Guanghan City, Sichuan Province (广汉雒城镇东街101地质大院)

Occupation: Nuoergai 405 Mining Detection in Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province (四川阿坝州若尔盖405探矿队职工)

Falun Gong Practitioners Persecuted in Gejiu City, Yunnan Province

( Since the persecution began on July 20, 1999, officials from the Honghe Prefecture, Yunnan Province, Yunnan Tin Group (Holding) Co. Ltd and the Chinese Communist Party of Gejiu City have been persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. Nearly 100 practitioners have been sent to brainwashing centers, and up to 40 practitioners have been arrested and sentenced to forced labor or imprisonment. Three of them, including Ms. Zhang Xiuying and Ms. Yang Sufen, died as a result of the persecution, and two were permanently disabled. One of the practitioners at the Yunnan No. 2 Women's Prison was given injections that damaged her central nervous system. Several others had to leave home to avoid being persecuted further.

Ms. Yang Qin of Chongqing Illegally Arrested for the Fifth Time

Name: Yang Qin (阳琴)

Gender: Female

Age: 56

Address: Unknown

Occupation: Employee of Municipal Administration Bureau

Date of Most Recent Arrest: February 3, 2010

Most recent place of detention: Women's forced labor camp (女子劳教所)

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