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When Fellow Practitioners Are Mistreated, What Are Our Thoughts?

June 18, 2010 |   By a practitioner from Mainland China

(Clearwisdom.net) Today I read an article from Minghui Weekly, "Acknowledging Persecution is Following the Arrangements of the Old Forces." I feel the same way. Recently, a practitioner from my county was arrested for clarifying the truth. We heard that he would be detained for 15 days. Some fellow practitioners seemed to accept these arrangements of the old forces. When they were asked whether the fellow practitioner would be released, they counted the number of days, because it had not yet been 15. They seemed to believe that, after 15 days, he would certainly be released. These notions, in my opinion, were not based on the Fa.

"Matter and mind are one thing," according to Zhuan Falun. Accepting the old forces' arrangements is cooperating with the persecution. Dafa disciples are practitioners on the divine path. How could they listen to evil forces? How could they listen to human beings who are controlled by evil forces? Some practitioners think that computers, printers, and truth-clarifying materials can be held against them as "evidence." This, too, is a human notion. Regular people have computers and printers at home. Why does the Communist Party not mistreat them? Are we actually putting ourselves in the position of being persecuted, thinking that possessing equipment used for materials production will lead us to be persecuted? Are we acknowledging the persecution? Our computers and printers are doing the best thing, the right thing, and there is nothing wrong in saving sentient beings. These items are not evidence to be used against us in the persecution. Master does not acknowledge the persecution. Dafa disciples also do not. We are divine beings with righteous thoughts who are doing the right thing. Those who persecute us are doing the wrong thing, and the law of the universe does not allow this.

Regarding the rescue of fellow practitioners, we also need to look inward. Some practitioners ask to be released, and some send forth righteous thoughts. Do some practitioners still have the attachment of relying on others? Are they insensitive to rescuing fellow practitioners? Do they truly regard fellow practitioners' cases as their own things? Do our hearts and minds "bob about like duckweed, stirred at the first hint of wind"? ("On the Novel The Cosmos's Calamity") When fellow practitioners are arrested, each of us should look inward to determine whether we have coordinated and cooperated as one body according to the requirements of the Fa. Doesn't each practitioner play a role as a Dafa particle in the one body?

I am not talking about any specific person, I'm just sharing my view regarding this phenomenon. Please point it out if I am wrong. Certainly, if fellow practitioners are arrested, we should all actively send forth righteous thoughts, distribute truth clarifying information, clarify the facts, and cooperate as a whole body. Doing these things really does greatly distress the evil. If we all eliminate our human notions, then "after passing the shady willow trees, there will be bright flowers and another village ahead!" (Zhuan Falun)