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Five Siblings in Ms. Shang Suyun's Family Persecuted in Beijing

July 26, 2010 |   By our Clearwisdom correspondent in Beijing

(Clearwisdom.net) In May 2010, Falun Gong practitioner Shang Suyun and four of his siblings were arrested by the 610 Office in Miyun County, the Chaoyang District. Some were sentenced to forced labor camps, and one became homeless.

Ms. Shang Suyun, the oldest sister, was arrested first by police in the Chaoyang District in May. In the early morning of May 11, over 20 policemen from the riot squad arrested the second eldest sister living near Binhe Bridge in Miyun County and the younger brother and his wife, who lived in Shilibao Town, Miyun. They were all taken from their homes. Then the authorities went to the home of the third eldest sister, Shang Sulan, in Xiwengzhuang Town, Miyun County, but she was out at work at the time. She was notified by a kind neighbor and escaped. Police tried to trick the administrator into opening the door so they could get in, but the administrator would not agree, so they could not carry out the arrest. We know now that Ms. Shang Suyun and three other siblings were sentenced to forced labor camps. The third sister, Ms. Shang Sulan, became homeless. She once had a temporary job in her town.

The roughly 20 people involved in persecuting this family were from the public security bureau, along with police officers from Miyun County and Chaoyang County. The arrests were a result of phone monitoring. The police found out Ms. Shang Suyun's phone number from her brother and then searched the home of her sister, Ms. Shang Sulan, in Jingxi Community.

Ms. Shang Suyun's brother is a taxi driver and lived in Shilibao Town, Miyun County. One day his car was involved in an accident. The police found Falun Gong materials in his car and arrested him.