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Mr. Zhang Baojun and His Wife from Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province, Arrested and Their Home Taken from Them

August 09, 2010 |   By a Clearwisdom correspondent from Shanxi Province

(Clearwisdom.net) Mr. Zhang Baojun from Yangqu County, Taiyuan City, was recently arrested. Taiyuan City Police Department officers participated in the arrest. Mr. Zhang is facing a trial.

Mr. Zhang's wife, Ms. Tian Jiang, was arrested on June 3, 2010. When Mr. Zhang went to the Heping South Road Police Station on June 12 to demand her release, Tainyuan City Police Department 610 Office agents arrested him. Mr. Zhang was held in a detention center. Three days following his release in July, Huangzhai Police Station officers arrested him again at his workplace. Mr. Zhang is now in the Yangqu County Detention Center.

The police informed Mr. Zhang's relatives of his arrest and told them that his case had been transferred to the procuratorate and court. He will be brought to trial. Ms. Tian and Mr. Zhang's personal property in their rented house in Taiyuan City was taken, including a computer, a printer, a cell phone, and other items. Their home was then returned to the landlords. Their other items have to be stored in their relatives' home. Ms. Tian is now in the Taiyuan City Women's Detention Center.

In other Taiyuan City news, Ms. Jia Xiuqing and Ms. Liu Huanling went to the countryside on the morning of June 2, 2010, to distribute information about Falun Gong. They were arrested, then released on June 4. Huangzhai Police Station arrested Ms. Jia again and she is now in the Taiyuan City Women's Detention Center.

Yangqu County Court Office: 86-351-5521526
Court head office: 86-351-5522220
Yangqu County Police Department office: 86-351-5527028
Police head office: 86-351-5521959
Huangzhai Police Station: 86-351-5526110, 86-351-5528110