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From Being Shy to Persuading People to Quit the CCP and Its Affiliated Organizations

January 13, 2011 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Clearwisdom.net) I began practicing Falun Dafa in 1996. I am 63, and I used to have difficulty conversing with others. When I was with others, I could only think of a few words to say. After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started persecuting Falun Gong on July 20, 1999, I started distributing truth-clarification materials, including video CDs, the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, and pamphlets. I found it was extremely hard to explain the facts about the persecution face-to-face.

I often thought about Teacher's requests to us. Especially during the past couple of years, Teacher has repeatedly reminded us of the urgency to expose the persecution to save more people. I am a Dafa disciple; however difficult I find the task to be, I should still proceed. So, I started clarifying the truth to my family, friends, and relatives. Later, I went out with a fellow practitioner to talk to strangers face-to-face.

The first time, we went to a grocery market. While shopping, the other practitioner kept explaining the persecution to people. I was sending forth righteous thoughts, but I could not open my mouth to speak. I was very upset about my shortcoming. Another time I went out with a practitioner, and he persuaded several people to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations, but I was still having a hard time in convincing one senior gentleman.

I saw the gap in cultivation between me and fellow practitioners. I became determined to break through this tribulation. Though I could not achieve a very good result, I continued to go out and spread the truth every day. Teacher saw my wish to save people. He strengthened me and also brought people to me with whom I have predestined relationships. Seeing the joy on the faces of people being saved and hearing their gratitude, I knew Teacher was encouraging me. Gradually, my ability to speak about the persecution improved.

However, just after I had made a break-through, the old forces started interfering with me. They made me lose my voice. I completely rejected the arrangement and frequently sent forth righteous thoughts to disintegrate and eliminate the interference. During the process, I still went out with that practitioner every day. Though I could not talk, I kept sending forth righteous thoughts while he clarified the truth.

Now, I am teamed up with another practitioner. We study the Fa in the morning and clarify the truth in the afternoon. During the truth-spreading process, I meet all kinds of people, including workers; farmers; students from college, high school, or elementary school; government staff members; and soldiers. Most of them understand and accept the truth. There are a few people who refuse to listen, and they even threaten to call the police and report us. In those situations, we remain calm, without any fear or worry, and tell them that we are speaking for their own good, and we wish for them to understand the truth about the persecution. We also ask them to be more open if other people explain the truth to them later, wishing for them to have a wonderful future.

Once my partner could not go with me. I thought that a Dafa practitioner needs to walk his own path, that I should not always rely on other practitioners, and that I need to get rid of the attachment of dependence. So I went out myself and had a fruitful day. I had only one thought—of saving people—and nothing else. I went to the beach and Teacher arranged for many people with predestined relationships to meet me. It went quite smoothly. Whomever I talked to agreed to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. I persuaded fourteen people that day. I saw the desire of the sentient beings to hear the truth and be saved.

It has snowed during the last few days. I did not go out for two days. Then, I had a dream last night. In my dream, I was very effective at clarifying the truth, and many people were listening to me. I realized that Teacher was hinting to me that I needed to go out and that there were a lot of people waiting for me. I needed to save more people. When I shared with my partner this morning, he felt the same way. Then, we went out in the afternoon. When we stepped off the bus, we saw migrant farm workers who were setting up lights on the square.

We chatted with them about topics including their hard lives, the CCP's corruption, natural disasters, and avoiding being destroyed along with the CCP. They all agreed with what we said. Six people quit the CCP. Then, one of them said in a worried voice, “Our manager is coming. You'd better leave now.” I realized that their manager is also a person to be saved, so we stayed. When the manager approached us, we smiled at him, “Hi, sir. You have worked hard!” My partner also said half-jokingly, “You must be a good manager. You come to work together with your workers. That's pretty good!” The manager chatted with us happily. Then, we clarified the truth to him, and he quit the CCP without a problem. Later, another four workers quit the CCP.

During face-to-face truth clarification, we can get rid of many attachments, including fear, dependence on others, caring about saving face, not wanting to endure hardship, and so on. After several years of Fa study and talking to others about the persecution, I have a much better understanding of saving others face-to-face. Since I have eliminated some of my attachments, not only do I know that clarifying the truth is something that I must do, but I also experience the joy of saving people. I am a Dafa disciple, and exposing the persecution and explaining the truth about Falun Dafa is a special glory that Teacher has given to us. We should study the Fa more, cultivate ourselves better, save more people, complete our mission soon and follow Teacher to return home.