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Physically Disabled Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Li Yongsheng Tortured at Mudanjiang Prison

November 15, 2011 |   By a Clearwisdom correspondent in Helongjiang Province

Name: Li Yongsheng (李永胜)
Age: 41
Address: Dongtai Village, Hongxin Township, Jiguan District, Jixi City
Occupation: Self-employed
Date of Most Recent Arrest: July 2, 2008
Most Recent Place of Detention: Mudanjiang Prison (牡丹江监狱)
City: Mudanjiang
Province: Helongjiang
Persecution Suffered: Electric shock, forced labor, brainwashing, illegal sentencing, beatings, hung up, imprisonment, solitary confinement, torture

(Clearwisdom.net) It was recently learned that prison officials in the No. 14 ward of Mudanjiang Prison are using electric batons, the “big hang up,” and solitary confinement to torture Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Li Yongsheng in attempts to force him to give up his belief.

Mr. Li Yongsheng was a businessman in Mudanjiang. He was illegally arrested on July 2, 2008. On July 15, his mother traveled from Jixi City to Mudanjiang to demand his release. Her demand was refused.

On November 28, 2008, Xi’an District Court of Mudanjiang City illegally tried Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Li Yongsheng; Mr. Zhao Buoliang and his mother-in-law, Ms. Zhang Yuhua; and Mr. Li Haifeng. During the trial, it was announced that Mr. Li Yongsheng was tortured with “rope tying” by Peng Fumin of the State Security Unit of Mudanjiang City Police Department.

Mr. Li Yongsheng stated during the trial that Peng Fumin had tortured him with “ tying ropes” (See illustration http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2004/9/18/52553.html) Mr. Li said, “Peng Fumin from the State Security Unit told me to falsely confess that materials left at my place by someone else were Li Haifeng's. I would be released if I admitted it. He also “tied me with ropes” on me for an hour and a half. I couldn’t take it anymore, so I admitted to it.” Mr. Li Haifeng was tortured this way numerous times. Mr. Li Haifeng told the court that he was put into an extreme position. When the court asked, “What extreme position?” Li demonstrated the position. When asked if he had any proof, Mr. Li Haifeng replied, “I have scars on my body to show it. It’s been almost five months, and the scars are still visible.”


Torture reenactment: Tying with Ropes

On February 18, 2009, the court wrongfully sentenced practitioners Mr. Zhao Buoliang, Mr. Li Haifeng, Mr. Li Yongsheng, etc. to Mudanjiang Prison. They were assigned to different wards and forced to perform hard labor. Mr. Li Yongsheng, who is crippled, is also forced to work gluing eyebrows on dolls.

Recently, prison police have been torturing Mr. Li Yongsheng to pressure him give up his belief in Falun Gong. The police shocked him with electric batons, used the “Big Hang Up”, and solitary confinements, etc. In order to cover up the truth, the prison is doing everything it can to keep information regarding the persecution from leaking to the outside world.

Fan Zhengyu, prison warden: +86-453-6404715 ext.8888
Wang Jian, assistant warden: 13904833666
Zhang Guoming, 610 Office: +86-453--8299103