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Director of a Design Office Illegally Wanted by Police--Director's Son Arrested

November 22, 2011 |   By a Clearwisdom correspondent from Shandong Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) Mr. Zhang Hengyu was a director of the design office of Shenlong Carpet Group Co. Ltd. in Wucheng County, Shandong Province, and has made great contributions to the company. He and his wife, Ms. Tan Fengling, both cultivate Falun Dafa. The kind-hearted couple, however, have been framed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and are illegally wanted for robbery. They have been forced into exile.

Unable to find out the whereabouts of Mr. Zhang Hengyu, the Wucheng County Police Department was so enraged that they arrested his son, Zhang Shijie, on October 20, 2011.

Born in 1965, Mr. Zhang Hengyu lives in Sanyi Village, Laocheng Township, Wucheng County. He graduated from Shandong University of Art & Design in 1992, and was director of the design office of Shenlong Carpet Group Co. Ltd. in Wucheng County, and was in charge of the research and development of new products.

Prior to cultivating, he was plagued with many kinds of diseases, including angina, obsessional neurosis, and liver, stomach, and skin diseases, Mr. Zhang could not work normally, and was extremely miserable physically and mentally. In 1997, Mr. Zhang and his wife, Ms. Tan Fengling, began practicing Falun Dafa. His health then greatly improved, all his diseases disappeared, and he became energetic. The couple lived in accordance with the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.

Mr. Zhang was devoted to his work. He creatively applied computer technology to the pattern designs, which raised the production efficiency by more than 60 percent, attracted many clients, and established his reputation worldwide. To reward his great contribution, the company manager gave Mr. Zhang an apartment worth 30,000 yuan. Realizing that many workers still didn't have an apartment to live in, Mr. Zhang turned down this award.

Mr. Zhang made use of his spare time to voluntarily teach artistic design to children who had quit school. After they grew up, these children did very well in their work, and some even became technical experts. The couple also spent over 200 yuan to pave a muddy road in the village by themselves, so villagers wouldn't get stuck. Villagers couldn't help but comment that Falun Dafa was good!

Besides living in harmony with their family and neighbors, Ms. Tan took good care of her paralyzed father-in-law every day for five years until he passed away. She fed him food and medicine, cleaned up after him, and washed and shaved him. When he was constipated and the enema didn't work, Ms. Tan rubbed his belly to accelerate the peristalsis of the stomach and intestine. Even though her hands became covered with feces and she was in a sweat, she never complained. Ms. Tan became a widely known daughter-in-law, and villagers could see the greatness of Falun Dafa from her behavior.

In July 1999, the CCP initiated persecuting Falun Gong. Facing lies and defamation that was spreading everywhere, the couple went to Beijing to clarify the truth peacefully to the related government institutions. However, they were illegally arrested and repatriated. They have since often incurred illegal searches, imprisonment, amercement, and other assaults, which has disturbed their peaceful life and forced them into exile.

All the persecution against Falun Gong is illegal. The CCP has never acted in accordance with the law, but in base and despicable ways. No one can imagine that Mr. Zhang, who behaves in accordance with Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, is wanted for “robbery!” Just as the old saying goes, “If you are out to condemn somebody, you can always trump up a charge.” The domestic department of the province has framed him for a crime that he didn't commit, and requires Mr. Zhang to return to the county department to take photos. However, after so many years of persecution and exile, Mr. Zhang has already lost touch with his family.

Unable to find out where Mr. Zhang Hengyu is, the Wucheng County Police Department arrested Mr. Zhang 's son, Zhang Shijie, on October 20, 2011, and claimed that if Mr. Zhang didn't come back, Zhang Shijie would be sentenced for concealment. Zhang Shijie is now illegally imprisoned in the Wucheng Jail, and it is not the first time he has been imprisoned and persecuted.

To find out about his parents, the Wucheng Domestic Department arrested Zhang Shijie in 2008 and cruelly tortured him in prison. He is now illegally imprisoned again, and could be subjected to more torture. After he was imprisoned, his family had no source of income. Zhang's wife has a month-old baby to raise, and thousands in loan interest to repay monthly. She is now hardly able to maintain their life.

Wucheng County, Shandong Province District No.: 0534, Postal Code: 253300

Contact information for individuals responsible:
Wang Yinghua, secretary of Wucheng County Political and Judiciary Committee: +86-13905443236 (Cell)
Yin Guangbo, deputy director of 610 Office: +86-13655349899 (Cell), +86-0534-6217610 (Office)
Zhao Jun, director of Wucheng County Police Department: +86-13905443280 (Cell)
Liu Mingtai, deputy director of Wucheng County Police Department, the person in charge of persecution: +86-13953400001 (Cell)
Zhou Tianlu, chief of Wucheng County Political Security Office: +86-13505440256 (Cell)
Zhang Ruijun: +86-13639456567 (Cell)
Yan Fajin: +86-13953481567 (Cell)