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Major Changes Occurred in My Family after Sending Righteous Thoughts for Imprisoned Practitioners

November 27, 2011 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner from Hebei Province, China

(Clearwisdom.net) Some time ago, I was in bad cultivation state, studying the Fa with a daydreaming mind, sending righteous thoughts with my palm drooping down, the prominent problem-maker in the family, and possessing a tired body and heart.

My aunt asked me if I would like to go with her to a place near the prison to send righteous thoughts for practitioners who were detained there. I quickly agreed, and even received support from my husband and son, who were unhappy with me at that time. Just before leaving, some issue came up at work, but I quickly resolved the problem and hurried off without having a meal.

However, another practitioner had given us the wrong time to meet, so we had to wait at the bus stop for nearly three hours. We were rather anxious, but soon realized that we could use the time to send righteous thoughts. We met a bicycle tender. We felt that he was very kind, so we told him to remember: “Falun Dafa is good; Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,” and that this thought would bring him blessings. He readily accepted our words.

When we returned to the bus stop, a man approached us requesting Falun Dafa materials, and asked if we had already distributed everything. Since this happened quite suddenly, I was really startled. The man saw that we were afraid, and kept saying, “Don’t worry, I won't report you to the authorities.” We then gave him some truth-clarification materials. My heart was still beating hard after he left. I kept thinking about what had happened, and then, the other practitioner we were waiting for arrived. After listening to the story about our event, she said, “Where is that man? I can give him more materials. I distributed truth-clarification materials all the way here – people like them.” My fear faded away with those words, and I felt that something bad was removed from me. This trip was so good.

When we arrived at the destination – a practitioner’s home, there were already several practitioners sending righteous thoughts, so we immediately joined in. My body felt like it was surrounded by a strong energy field. At the same time, I felt some force pushing my back into a straight upright position, and after that, I've never wanted to droop forward like I used to. Later, we studied the Fa, sent righteous thoughts at the top of every hour, and practiced the five sets of exercises. Although we slept little all night long, we didn't feel tired – actually, we were energetic. What an extraordinary experience! I didn't expect to feel so good after sending righteous thoughts for practitioners in the prison.

I shared my experience with my family when I returned home, and they were pleased as well. My husband and son are also practitioners, but recently, they hadn't been strict with themselves. Especially my husband, who traveled for business and became addicted to alcohol. He neither studied the Fa nor practiced the exercises. As a result of his drinking problem, he couldn't eat; his stomach swelled and his face became thin and sallow. His sister knew that his aunt and uncle had suffered from liver disease before, and insisted on taking him to the hospital. After careful consideration, my husband decided to practice Dafa again. He also decided to send righteous thoughts near the practitioners in prison. He said, “I’ll use whatever strength I possess.” He went to send righteous thoughts with fellow practitioners, and when he returned home in the morning, he had changed into a brand new person and was looking for food even before I could finish cooking the meal. He showed a nice, pink complexion, so his sister never mentioned going to the hospital again.

My son has changed, too. Whenever I take the time to send righteous thoughts, my son supports me. He used to be really grumpy, but not any longer. He said that he is now mature, and also that he is no longer afraid of seeing a police car. I never thought that I could bring so much change to my environment after sending righteous thoughts for the fellow practitioners.

Now, I send righteous thoughts with my palm upright and my back straight. My husband began to study the Fa and practice the exercises again; my family conflicts have been resolved.

Through this experience, I came to realize that there was a breakthrough from sending righteous thoughts for practitioners in prison. If I'd tried to resolve my small family conflicts, I would have just been drawn into those detailed problems, which would have only weighed me down.