(Clearwisdom.net) The 9th Falun Dafa Cultivation Experience Sharing Conference in Israel was held in Tel Aviv-Yafo on October 29, 2011. Nineteen Falun Dafa practitioners shared their experiences at the conference.
A Falun Dafa practitioner presents her experience sharing paper at the conference
A practitioner named Tina said during her sharing that she was born in Yugoslavia before World War II ended, which was followed by a civil war. Thus, she grew up in fear and had an introverted personality out of self-protection. Since becoming a chief editor of a practitioner-run newspaper, she overcame a lot of obstacles and got rid of a lot of attachments, put saving sentient beings as priority, and eventually became a happy and easy-going person.
Tikva shared in her report how she and her husband helped with Shen Yun shows and their experience at the 2011 New York Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference. When she put aside her selfishness and only thought about saving sentient beings, everything fell into the right place. She could feel the pure energy that cleansed the predestined audience members during the Shen Yun show. Tikva recounted the precious memory of seeing Master at the New York Fa Conference. The experience gave her a stronger sense of the urgency of saving more sentient beings.
Eight-year-old Auer-Ella said he had started listening to Master's lectures when he was three months old. As soon as he was able to sit up at six months, he could lift his hand to send forth righteous thoughts and hold his arms up for the “holding the wheel posture” of the Falun Standing Stance exercise. When his classmates bullied him at school, he would follow what Master said about not cursing or fighting back. He often spent his weekends and holidays participating in activities to raise awareness about Falun Dafa with his fellow practitioners.
A new practitioner shared his experience of getting rid of his attachment when he suffered a huge loss. As soon as he began to treat the incident like a true practitioner, things turned around immediately. His faith in Dafa saved him during an accident at the construction site where he worked. He was blessed because of his cultivation in Falun Dafa and personally experienced the power of Dafa.
In conjunction with the experience sharing conference, group exercises and a series of activities to raise awareness were held in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv-Yafo on October 27-30.

Group exercises at Jaffa Gate
It was a beautiful fall day in Jerusalem on October 28. Falun Gong practitioners gathered to perform the Falun Gong exercises at Jaffa Gate. A constant stream of tourists stopped to watch the exercises and take pictures. Practitioners spoke to passersby, introducing Falun Dafa and exposing the persecution of Falun Gong in China in English, Hebrew and Russian. Many tourists signed a petition in support of Falun Gong practitioners effort's to stop the persecution.
On the afternoon of October 30, Falun Gong practitioners and supporters gathered in front of the Chinese Consulate to protest against the on-going brutal persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the crime of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners. They strongly condemned the CCP's atrocities and called for an immediate end to the persecution.