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Let Go of Self and Clarify the Facts Face to Face

March 15, 2011 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) I am a 74-year-old female Falun Dafa practitioner. I obtained the Fa in 1997 and have been practicing for 14 years.

I was touched by Master's article, “Be More Diligent.” I knew Master was waiting for those Dafa disciples who were not diligent, and I was one of them. I was worried. I knew in my heart I must break through and I could not fall behind at this critical moment. Perhaps Master saw my determination and helped bring people to me with predestined relationships.

The following morning, I took a walk and saw someone waiting outside of a motorcycle repair shop. I told him about the moral corruption in the army, schools, and everywhere. I said, “Only Falun Gong teaches people to be good people and to follow a correct path, but those good people are being persecuted. Do not believe the lies of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Remember that Falun Dafa is wonderful and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good. As soon as possible, quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations to ensure your safety and welfare.” At first he said, “I am not a member of the CCP, nor am I a Youth League member.” I asked, “Did you ever join the Young Pioneers?” He replied that he had worn a red scarf. I said, “Then you need to quit it. The CCP made you join and made you make a vow to it in elementary school so that it could control you.” I helped him come up with an assumed name to quit the Young Pioneers. His life was rescued. Gradually, I walked my own path to clarify the truth and persuade people face-to-face to quit the CCP.

Another morning, I met someone waiting outside the county government building. It was early and the offices were not opened yet. I thought it was an opportunity to clarify the truth to him. I asked, “What are you here for?” He said, “I came to get the official stamp from the government so I could distribute some money to people in my village.” I said, “At this time, farmers in suburban areas are lucky. You are able to sell your land and get houses and money.” He said, “We are not lucky at all. We are average people and do not have any privileges. The land belongs to them. We had no choice but to sell it. The county government will take the money, too.” After speaking of the corruption, he kept criticizing the government. I learned that he was an official in his village so he had to be a member of the CCP. I asked him directly, “Are you a member of the CCP?” He said he was. I asked, “Have you heard of heaven eliminating the CCP and that you can ensure your safety by resigning from it? The heavens have mercy on people. I am a Dafa practitioner. That is why I share this information with you. If you quit, you will be safe.” At that moment, I sensed his fear. He spoke softly, “The government does not allow people to say such things.” I said, “Do not be afraid of what we are doing and talking about. It is legal and we have not done anything bad. Quit the CCP as soon as possible!” He nodded his head. I suggested that he adopt a pseudonym and helped him quit the CCP. I told him to remember: “Falun Dafa is wonderful.” He agreed.

Do Not Differentiate When Clarifying the Truth

Those people who persecute Dafa and Dafa practitioners are controlled by the CCP. Actually, they are victims, too, and there are still good people among them. If they have a conscience, they can be saved. I have met four people from the public security bureau. One of them had worked in a detention center before he retired. He talked about how brutal the persecution of Falun Gong was and that all Falun Gong practitioners were good people. He believed in fate and that good and evil are ultimately rewarded in kind. He criticized young police officers who did not care about how serious this was and how they extorted money to get rich. He agreed immediately when I asked him to quit the CCP. While I was waiting for a haircut, I met another police officer and clarified the truth to him. He told me he was a policeman and could not bear the corruption in society. After I told him the facts, he quit the CCP using his real name. A third policeman quit the CCP because he was afraid of having bad fortune after I told him the facts about heaven eliminating the CCP. I met only one policeman who threatened me. He said, “Do you know what I do? I am a police officer.” I was not afraid and said there were good people among policemen and they should be saved, too. He said, “Go away. Go away.” I thought, “At this time, I could not clarify the truth in full to him, but other practitioners will do more next time.”

In the end, if we have a sincere and compassionate heart when we clarify the truth and save people, Master will bring people with predestined relationships to us. Everyone has a rational side. If we clarify the facts sufficiently, we’ll provide people with an opportunity to decide their future. Meanwhile, if our xinxing is at a certain level, Master will give us wisdom, which is the power of the Fa.

I realized that we should cultivate ourselves when clarifying the facts and seek answers from the Fa when we encounter any problems. We should look inward when in a conflict, whether it is because we do not have compassion or our attachments are interfering with us. In kind, we will become steady on our path and become efficient at clarifying the facts. We need to put more effort into clarifying the facts in everything we do in everyday life. We can meet people with predestined relationships on the street, at home, in our social life, etc. If we are diligent and realize our responsibility and mission, cultivate even greater compassion and increase our capacity, we will be able to save more sentient beings.