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Three Stories of Clarifying the Truth at My Workplace

May 03, 2011 |   By a practitioner in China


1. A Cyst Disappears Overnight

Many people at my workplace know that I am a Falun Gong practitioner because I had been detained in a forced labor camp for my belief. When I went to hand in the statistics reports at my company one afternoon, a clerk stopped me and said, "For many years, I suffered from a perianal cyst. It recently recurred. I went to the hospital to get an intravenous drip for more than a week, but it had no effect whatsoever. I can't sit down because of the pain and discomfort, so I have to stand all the time. However, I can't just stand at work since I have to do my job. It's really very painful. Can you think of a way to help me?" I asked him, "Do you know about Falun Dafa? Do you believe Falun Dafa is good?"

He replied, "I know Dafa is good. A lady that lives nearby used to be very unreasonable. Everyone was afraid of her. However, after she learned Falun Dafa she changed into a new person. Now she speaks kindly and no longer fights with others. One day, the lady was walking in front of me and saw a stone on the road. She picked it up and threw it into a garbage bin. I asked her why. She said, 'I have learned Falun Dafa. Our Teacher asks us to be good people. I was worried that someone might trip over the stone, so I removed it.' Ever since then, I realized all practitioners are good people."

Hearing his words, I told him about the self-immolation incident at Tiananmen Square—that it was staged by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its intention was to turn people against Falun Gong. Finally, I told him, "As long as you sincerely recite 'Falun Dafa is good,' and 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,' it will bring you rewards!"

When I passed his office window three days later, he waved at me and invited me to come in. Once we entered, he gave me a thumbs up and said, "It's really miraculous! The cyst disappeared overnight. That day I was busy with work and didn't have time to recite, 'Falun Dafa is good!' after you left. I was on duty that night. Since I couldn't sit down, I had to lie down. I thought about what you had told me during the day and gradually fell asleep. When I got up the following morning, I sat up subconsciously and didn't feel any pain. In fact, I felt really comfortable. I discovered the cyst that made me suffer for many years had disappeared. I jumped for joy and repeatedly said, 'Falun Dafa is good!'"

Then he said. "Thank you very much!" I said, "Don't thank me. You should thank our Teacher." He said, "Yes, Thank you Teacher Li!" He then withdrew from the CCP's Young Pioneers.

2. Unlocking a Heart With Compassion

A lot of people like to come to my office to listen to me talk about Falun Gong. One day when I was clarifying the truth to three or four colleagues, another coworker kicked the door open. A 20-30 year old man walked in and asked the colleague next to me, "What are you talking about?" One of them replied, "We are talking about Falun Gong." The young man angrily cursed and said, "Don't talk to me about Falun Gong!" Several colleagues hinted at him to stop, since it might make me upset. However, he continued to say bad things. He had only recently begun working there, so we didn't know each other very well, and had only bumped into each other a few times. I only knew that he liked to argue.

I poured a cup of water for him and offered him a chair. I said, "My friend, I'd like to know, why do you hate Falun Gong so much?" He replied, "My mother-in-law practices Falun Gong. I was very busy those days and didn't get home until after 10:00 p.m. every day. My mother-in-law always reads Falun Gong books with other people and didn't cook for me, so I had to cook for myself. This affected my rest, so from that time onwards, I have believed that Falun Gong is not good."

I stood up and said to him, "I am also a practitioner. Though I do not know your mother-in-law we are all practitioners, have one Teacher and read the same book. She did not do well. I'd like to speak on her behalf and apologize to you. We failed to consider your feelings at the time. We were wrong. Please accept my apology."

He hurriedly got up from his chair and waved his hand with a smile, "No, no, my friend, I don't deserve the apology." He went on, "As a matter of fact, Falun Gong is pretty good. My mother-in-law had a very bad temper before practicing. Her temper changed for the better and her illnesses all disappeared. We also benefited from it because we were relieved from a lot of burden."

I knew that the knot in his understanding had been undone. Before leaving, I told him, "Have you withdrawn from the CCP and its affiliated organizations." He said, "I have not." I advised him to do so and he agreed.

3. What Teacher Li Said Is Very Good! Teacher Li Is Really Good!

I often clarify the truth to my boss, so he occasionally reads Falun Dafa books. One day I was making changes to some characters in Zhuan Falun according to a list. He saw me and asked, "Why do you change the characters? Isn't this a Dafa book? How can you change the characters?" I replied, "You're right, no one should change the Dafa books at will. However, this time our Teacher asked us to do it." Then he asked, "Why does your teacher ask you to change the characters?"

I thought for a while and wrote down the character “进 ” in simplified Chinese (进 means march or go forward and is made up of walk and well in Chinese characters) on a piece of paper and asked him, "How do you pronounce this word?” He said, "It's pronounced jin." Then I asked, "How do you write the word in traditional Chinese." He wrote the word in the traditional form- “進” (in traditional Chinese, it is made of walk and fine in Chinese characters). I told him, Teacher told us that "The word 'jin' means go to the well, so it's better to change back to the traditional format which means going better." ("Revise")

I said, our Teacher came here to save sentient beings, so he asked us to make the changes. At the same time, we should let people know the truth to have a beautiful future. My boss happily said, "Teacher Li said it very well. Teacher Li is very good!"