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Clarifying the Truth to Teachers and Students in School

June 03, 2011 |   By Dafa Practitioner You You from Zhejiang Province

(Clearwisdom.net) I am an 11th grade student and very fortunate to have practiced Falun Dafa since I was five. The last twelve years have passed by quickly.

In the beginning, my mother taught me to study the Fa, practice the exercises, and memorize Hong Yin. I followed her everywhere in promoting Dafa, and Truthfulness-Compassion- Forbearance was deeply ingrained in my young heart. Since grade school, I have gotten good grades and my human talents and skills have been excellent. I became a leader in my class, and Mom says this is all because of the wisdom given to me by Dafa.

However, after July 20, 1999, the evil CCP began directing all the state's agencies to defame, insult, and slander Falun Gong, poisoning and lying to citizens all over the country about the practice. An elementary school was no exception—the propaganda filled the air. Every semester the school set up a board just for "anti-cult" activities and, as class leader, I was responsible for placing content on the board. With unwavering faith in the Fa, I courageously told my class's homeroom teacher about the truth behind the self-immolation lies and our family's experience. The teacher understood the truth and from then on, my class never displayed anything against Dafa on our board.

In our citizenship and morality class, the textbook we used was filled with anti-Dafa propaganda. This hurt me and I decided to help others understand the beauty of Dafa. So I used the opportunity to clarify the truth to my classmates.

In middle-school, I continued to clarify the truth to my classmates. There was a time when they all looked at me weirdly; I was even sent to the teacher's office to speak with school authorities. They pressured me to change my mind, but I told them about my personal experience and asserted that Dafa is a righteous cultivation practice.

Then came grade nine. In China, high school entrance examinations are held at the end of 9th grade. Because both of my parents practiced Falun Gong, they did not pressure me too much. They told me to just take it naturally and believe in the arrangements of Master. So I continued to clarify the truth. On weekends, I would go out with my parents to distribute truth-clarification materials. All the way till the exam, I was never as nervous as my classmates. Before the exam, I recited "Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!" I knew that Dafa would give me wisdom. Indeed, it turned out that I scored very well and entered one of the best schools in the province. Moreover, my Chinese language score was the highest in my city. All of this is because of Master's compassion and protection.

In high school, I became the class monitor. Even though all my classmates were high-scorers, and my grades weren't the best, I continued to use MP4 videos and audio to clarify the truth and help my classmates understand the truth about the CCP. I would persuade them to withdraw from the Party's youth organizations, etc. All four of my roommates understood the truth and knew the goodness of Dafa, and even helped me to convince others to withdraw from the Party and its affiliated youth organizations. I also gave Shen Yun DVDs, Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, and other materials to my form teacher and successfully helped him to draw a line between himself and the CCP.

As I grew, my understanding of Dafa deepened and I understood that true cultivation requires one to look inside and get rid of one's human attachments; I also came to realize my duty and responsibilities. No matter how the environment changes, I know that every Dafa disciple must always maintain righteous thoughts, use their divine thoughts to walk their path, and more importantly, walk well the path of assisting Master in Fa-Rectification.

Finally, let us encourage each other with Master's poem from Hong Yin:

“Solid Cultivation

Study the Fa and gain the Fa,
Focus on how you study and cultivate,
Let each and every thing
     be measured against the Fa.
Only then, with that,
     is it actually cultivation.”