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Solemn Declarations from Two Dafa Practitioners

July 11, 2011 |  


Solemn Declaration

I obtained Dafa in 1998. After the persecution began in 1999, we were repeatedly taken to the police station. I wrote a guarantee statement attesting that I would stop practicing Falun Dafa. I also handed over Dafa books. On June 13, 2011, my son's house was ransacked by six policemen from the Public Security Bureau. Not only were their Dafa Books and informational materials taken, but a computer and cell phone were taken as well. My daughter-in-law was also threatened that she would lose her job and spend time in jail if she refused to take the police to my house. As a result, I was arrested and my Dafa informational materials were also taken. My son wrote thethree statements for me and asked me to pay the Bureau 30,000 “yuan” for exoneration. I solemnly declare: “All I have done that harmed Master, Dafa and fellow practitioners is null and void. I will do the three things well, with dignity, to make up for the damages I caused and steadfastly cultivate myself to the end.”

By Lu Jingli, June 24, 2011

Chinese version available at: http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2011/6/28/189人声明从新开始修炼-243095.html

Solemn Declaration

After the July 20, 1999 persecution started, many Dafa disciples were arrested and sent to group brainwashing classes. They had to declare their separation from Falun Gong to get released. I also signed a statement guaranteeing to stop practicing cultivation. Later, I also allowed others to write two guarantee statements for me in our local brainwashing center. One night in October 2001, I was arrested and taken to the police station when distributing truth-clarification materials. I yielded to brutal torture during the interrogations and committed a huge sin by revealing the names of fellow practitioners. I also slandered Master and Dafa in another brainwashing center after I was transferred there. Again, I wrote another guarantee statement to quit practicing Falun Gong. I feel deeply ashamed toward Master and Dafa and solemnly declare: “The things that I have done that are disrespectful to Master and Dafa are null and void. I'll resume my cultivation to make up for the damages and firmly practice cultivation to the end.”

By Liu Lanxin, June 11, 2011

Chinese version available at :http://minghui.ca/mh/articles/2011/7/2/152人声明从新开始修炼-243239.html