Hong Yin (3) to Be Published in Chinese Soon (Photo)
(Clearwisdom.net) Hong Yin (3) is slated to be published soon. This book is a compilation of Master Li Hongzhi’s 52 poems and 72 song lyrics, written between April 2, 2004 and May 2011, and features illustrations drawn personally by Master Li Hongzhi.
Today’s Articles — July 28, 2011
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Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Li Ying'e of Shaanxi Province Sent to Forced Labor Camp Again
(Clearwisdom.net) On the afternoon of January 6, 2011, Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Li Ying'e, Ms. Liu Qiaomei, Ms. Huang Bo and Ms. Jing Xuehong, parked their car on a street while passing through the town of Xiwu in Xingping. At around 6 p.m., a drunk man on the street harassed and hit them. Policemen from Xiwu Town Police Station not only ignored the attacker, but they arrested the four victims. The four women were taken to the police station and their car was searched. The policemen found Falun Gong fliers, three copies of
Persecution at the Xinjin Brainwashing Center in Chengdu (Photos)
(Clearwisdom.net) The Xinjin brainwashing center in Caiwan Village, Huaqiao Township, Xinjin County, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, is officially named “Chengdu Municipal Law Education Center.” Yet there is no number or name of the organization on its outside. Since the persecution against Falun Gong began in 1999, this place has been frequently used for detention of Falun Gong practitioners. Many cases of torture and death have happened here. The earthquake in May 2008 damaged the six-story building. Since then, the municipal government combined the dental school next door with the original brainwashing center. After renovation, both are being used for brainwashing.
Retired Military Official Mr. Wu Zhongming Died as a Result of Persecution
(Clearwisdom.net) Mr. Wu Zhongming was a retired military official from Dalian City. He and his wife started practicing Falun Gong in July 1994. His osteoarthritis then disappeared, and his physical condition became better and better. His family enjoyed a very happy life.
~ Accounts of Persecution ~
~ July 20 Events ~
~ Journeys of Cultivation ~
Focus Topics

Self Immolation Hoax
Biggest propaganda stunt of all time, cooked up to make Falun Gong look bad

Deaths Confirmed
The true death count is likely many times higher

Organ Harvesting Crimes
Tens of thousands likely killed for their organs

So-Called "1400 Deaths"
A fundamental mistruth in the false propaganda against Falun Gong

April 25 Peaceful Appeal
The most peaceful protest in history is called a 'siege' by top party brass

Prosecuting Jiang Zemin
Bringing the prime culprit in the persecution to justice

More Basic Truths
A primer on the web of lies upon which the persecution was built

Learn About Falun Dafa
An advanced practice of self-cultivation freely available to all
Recent News
Master Li quietly watching the world from amidst the mountains after leaving New York following July 20th, 1999. (Published January 19, 2000)