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Accounts of Practitioners' Experiences after Learning Falun Dafa

January 28, 2012 |  


An Australian Resident's Illness Disappears after Practicing Falun Dafa

(News from Australia) My name is Shi and I was lucky enough to learn Falun Dafa in 2004. Prior to that, I was very sick. I had a persistent skin condition on my scalp, low blood pressure, and severe chronic constipation. I felt horrible and had no energy. I slept 11 hours a day and still felt tired. Western doctors could not find anything wrong with me. I also visited doctors who practiced Traditional Chinese Medicine and took herbal medicines for a long time. Nothing seemed to help.

Just when I was feeling hopeless and at a loss for what else to do, I learned about Falun Dafa. From then on, I have not seen a doctor nor have I taken any medication. I feel healthy and energetic. This is all because of our Great Teacher, who has given me a second chance at life!

After reading Zhuan Falun, my notions have undergone great changes. I now understand what illness means and how human beings should live their lives. I know that the real purpose of life is to return to our true selves. Thus, I would like to tell everyone that, as long as you are a true practitioner, no matter what illnesses you have, you will recover. I earnestly invite everyone to find out more about Falun Dafa so that they might enjoy a bright future for themselves. Please do not listen to the lies spread by the Communist Party any longer.

Grandma and Grandson Learn Falun Dafa after Experiencing a Miracle

(News from China) In the summer of 2006, a ten-month-old baby named Junjun developed an infection behind his ear from a mosquito bite. He had a fever and severe swelling of his face. The family took him to the local hospital and they referred him to the children's hospital in Dalian. At the hospital, he received an injection of an expensive medicine. However, after a few days, he had still not improved. Both the doctors and the family members were very worried. Junjun's grandma called her sister who practiced Falun Dafa and told her about the baby's condition. Her sister suggested that everyone around Junjun repeat, “Falun Dafa is good and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” She also sent forth righteous thoughts for Junjun, who was 30 kilometers away.

About three hours later, at 3:30 p.m., Junjun's grandma called her sister again and said, “This is amazing! His face is not swollen anymore, and he can open his eyes.” He had not gotten another injection, so all the doctors and nurses were surprised. Later Grandma noticed that Junjun had a pear in his hands. The pear had been in a drawer of the night table, although it would have been impossible for Junjun to get it out by himself, and no one had taken it out for him. Grandma realized that the Teacher of Falun Dafa was now in charge of the situation. “Pear,” in Chinese, sounds exactly like the word “leave.” Grandma thought, “We should leave the hospital now.” Junjun was quickly discharged. Following this experience, Grandma taught Junjun how to do the exercises and study the Fa. Junjun has been a very healthy child ever since, and he can recognize many characters very quickly. His family members know that it was Dafa that gave him all this ability.

An Entire Family Benefits from Relatives Practicing Falun Dafa

(News from Sichuan Province) In Qinbashan lives a large family of four generations. Fangfang and her mother-in-law, Yulin, started to practice Falun Dafa in 1999. Since then, 11 of their family members have become very healthy. For a long time, Fangfang and her mother-in-law listened to Teacher's lectures whenever they had time and practiced the exercises twice a day. They have followed the Fa principles and never wavered in their belief. They are doing the three things with righteous thoughts and righteous actions.

Yulin is more than 70 years old, but looks to be in her 50s. She does more work than most young people. Every day she cooks, feeds the pigs, and tends the vegetables and crops. In addition, she looks after two grandsons because Fangfang goes out of town to work. Yulin's husband, Wenkai, is 79. Two years ago, he fell off the roof while he was working. The ladder and benches collapsed when he fell, but he landed squarely on the rock bench in his yard and was not injuried. Everyone was quite surprised!

Yulin's great grandson, Huanhuan, fell out of a basket on his grandma's back when he was about a year old, but he was uninjured. This year in September, when he was about two, he poked himself in the throat with a bamboo stick he was playing with. He had blood in his mouth. His great grandma asked him to say, “Falun Dafa is good and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” As a result, without any medical intervention, he recovered the following day and was able to eat. Everyone in the family marveled at this and was thankful to Teacher.

Master Saved My Life

(News from Sichuan Province) I am an elderly female practitioner living in Bian County, Chengdu. On September 12, 2011, I was holding some twigs and dried leaves for fuel, when a bench I was sitting on in the latrine pit broke and I fell right in. I felt that I was being pulled down by some invisible force. I remained very clear-minded. I closed my mouth and did not breathe in. The third time I was pulled downward, I was almost covered by the excrement-contaminated water. I thought about Teacher and I shouted, “Master, please save me!” Right away, I was able to stand up and climbed out of the pit. I took a shower and everything was fine. I told everyone I met that Teacher had saved me. Ever since then, I have been more diligent, look inwards for attachments, and do the three things well.