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Practicing Falun Gong in a Korean Village

October 13, 2012 |   By a practitioner in Korea


Greetings to Master!

Greetings to fellow practitioners!

I am an elderly farmer from a small village, and have been practicing Falun Gong for nine years. It is my honor to speak about my cultivation experience on this great occasion. Please kindly point out my shortcomings.

My daughter, who lives in a nearby village, gave me the book Zhuan Falun in March 2004. But I didn't have the chance to read it because of being busy working on the farm. It wasn’t until we had heavy snowfall for three days that I had the chance. Since I couldn't do any work on the farm, I started reading the book and finished it in five days, even with my limited education.

Firmly Believing in Master and Cultivating in Dafa

I used to worship divine beings and Buddha, and have visited temples around the country over the past 36 years. When I started studying Dafa, my daughter told me a lot of things about the practice, and I immediately realized that our Master is the one mentioned in Buddhism who descends to the Earth once in 3,000 years.

I was determined to firmly cultivate in Dafa. The first thing I did was to cleanse my dimensional field and my surroundings. While I was burning all my books on Buddhism, I said: “Our predestined relationship ends here. Thank you for being with me for these past years and I hope you become good beings and can fly towards the heavens.”

A lay Buddhist called me to find out what had happened after I stopped going to help out at the temple. I thanked him and said: “You don't need to worry about me. I'm studying the Fa from a even greater Buddha. I'm diligently studying it at home.” He hasn't called me since.

It was routine for me to have acupuncture or hospital treatments for my physical pains at the end of every farming season, as quite a few people in my village have died from incurable diseases. I was afraid that this might happen to me too.

Master cleansed my body at the beginning of my cultivation. But my family became worried when I didn't go to the hospital anymore. I firmly and persistently believed in Master, and I became free of illnesses. I felt light and energetic and was never tired. My husband said, “Stop practicing Falun Gong. You are too healthy, and don't even want to sleep.”

I have participated in many Dafa activities since I became a practitioner, and in one “Quitting the CCP” activity held in Ansan, I saw pictures of live organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners. I felt immense pain in my heart and tears flowed down my face. Once I got home after the activity I experienced serious sickness karma. The next time I opened up Zhuan Falun every word in the book was very colorful and glittering. I read it twice straight through. No words can describe my profound appreciation towards Master, who arranged for me to be an honorable Dafa disciple. Master always safeguards me on my cultivation path. Thank you, Master, for your infinite grace!

Clarifying the Facts in the Village

I usually get up early in the morning to do the exercises because of my busy farming work, and study the Fa and send forth righteous thoughts during the daytime. I don't get to meet many people as I live in a village, so I cherish the predestined relationship with everyone I meet, including my neighbors, delivery persons and our local officials. I give them truth clarification materials and tell them that Dafa is good.

I have a large family and there are many gatherings among the family members. I always take every opportunity to tell them about the wonderfulness of Dafa and the facts about Falun Gong. I am determined not to miss any predestined person, and always carry truth clarification materials in a bag and distribute them to everyone I meet in restaurants, on buses, at markets and other places. At the farmer's market, which is held once every five days, I always distribute materials to the crowd for the whole day.

People initially treated me like some kind of mentally ill person. But gradually they came to understand what I was doing and some even praised me. My younger brother-in-law, who believes in a certain religion, even tells people: “The world will be peaceful if everyone practices Falun Gong. Falun Gong is really good!”

Occasionally, I go to the places where many elderly people gather and give them truth clarification materials. I tell them: “This is very good information. Please do not throw it away. Share it with your grandchildren and people around you.” One person even said to me: “Wow, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance! It is really good. I'll keep this. Thank you.” I was deeply moved.

When my husband saw that I was busy clarifying the facts he complained: “Falun Gong is good, but why can't you just practice it alone? Why do you have to tell so many people about it? Sometimes, you make me feel embarrassed.” I explained to him one day: “I came to this world for Dafa. When I return to heaven someday, it would be very pitiful if my paradise is empty because I did not save any sentient beings. I want to take every minute of my time to save more sentient beings. Please help me!” My husband didn't say anything, but he no longer complains when I do truth clarification work.

When I now tell people the facts about Falun Gong, my husband tells them that Dafa is really good. He reads Zhuan Falun in the morning and also participates in group Fa study.

Cherishing Each and Every Life

One day, I found perennial grasses growing in the furrow of my farm. It did not seem that I could remove these weeds all in one day. As I was pulling them out I became annoyed, and said to them before I went home: “Why are you here? This is the farmland of a Dafa practitioner. If I have to pull all of you out, I will not have time for Fa study. Dafa practitioners have to study the Fa. Remember that Falun Dafa is good and leave here please.” A few days later, I went back to the farm and, surprisingly, those flourishing weeds were gone! It was really miraculous!

Another thing also happened. After harvest, I saw many peas on the ground. If I had to gather the peas myself, I would not have time for Fa study. I thus asked my daughter who lives not far from me to help. When I got to the farm the next day, all of the peas on the ground had disappeared. I called my daughter and told her about this miracle, and that I would not need her help.

There are many other miraculous things that have happened. My farm work is never interrupted at all. I still have time to study the Fa, do the exercises, send forth righteous thoughts, validate the Fa and clarify the facts.

Eliminating the Attachment of Resentment

My family had a large debt because my husband had stood as a candidate in an election. The debt caused a great deal of suffering for the whole family. Money was extremely short those days, and out of resentment, I often complained to my daughter about my husband.

My daughter always told me that I should look inward for my shortcomings. And I always retorted: “It is your father who caused the debt. What do you want me to look inwards for?” My daughter advised me: “You need to keep searching inward. When you have conflict with others, it will be your fault because you are a Dafa practitioner. Master requires us to look inwards at all times.” She was right. I should search for my own shortcomings. When I looked inward one time, I felt a sharp pain in my lower abdominal area and then a lot of filthy things were discharged from my body.

Some scenes about my husband's family momentarily surfaced. His family's financial situation was very good when we got married. My mother-in-law died the next year and left us with a 9-year-old nephew and 7-year-old niece. In addition to meticulously raising them, I also had to take care of our large family. I was considered a good daughter-in-law by the villagers. However, our family's financial situation started to deteriorate and, adding the debt from the expenses of the election, we were on the verge of bankruptcy.

Thinking of the hardship my nephew and niece had faced, I started to cry. I also came to the understanding that my poor virtue must attribute to the misfortunes of this family. Afterward I felt very apologetic to husband, and my resentment disappeared. To express my apology, I dressed in Korean hanbok and kowtowed to my husband. I said: “I am sorry. My poor virtue resulted in all of these misfortunes.” My husband kowtowed back and said: “You have worked very hard and done very well for the family. I should be the one to say sorry.” Our finances began to improve after we got rid of the resentment in our minds. We now no longer worry about money.

My Whole Family Watches Shen Yun After Overcoming Obstacles

Most of my family members have already seen Shen Yun. However, my new mother-in-law, who married my father-in-law after the death of his first wife, stubbornly refused to watch it. She is 83 years old and only believes in Buddha Shakyamuni. She didn't allow any of our family members to mention Falun Gong or Shen Yun in front of her. I understand the reason of her refusal was because I don't worship at the temple. I also knew that it won't be easy to clarify the facts to her. But I wanted to save her, so I started looking inward earnestly.

I suddenly remembered one incident that happened decades ago. My new mother-in-law used to live more than 3 miles from school. It was very cold and difficult for her son to ride his bicycle to school during the winter, so she asked me if he could stay with us because I lived nearby. I turned her down because of my financial difficulties at that time. She had complained about this issue before. When I mentioned this incident, she admitted that she was unhappy with me at the time. I then sincerely explained to her that our financial situation was not good. I said, “Thinking about it now, it seems that I did not do the right thing.” I apologized to her and asked for her forgiveness.

A few days later, she and five other family members bought tickets to watch Shen Yun. It was my 73rd birthday. After the show all 15 family members praised the beauty of the Shen Yun performance and celebrated my birthday. That was really a happy and memorable day!

I truly realized that it is a practitioner’s responsibility to save sentient beings. We need to always look inward at anytime, cultivate ourselves well, and should think of how to save sentient beings from many different perspectives. I did not do well enough in my cultivation. I will follow Master' requirements to cultivate myself better and save more sentient beings. I should cherish this unprecedented opportunity that only comes once in tens of thousands of years.

Thanks to Master's infinite grace!

Thanks to fellow practitioners!