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The Miracles I've Experienced in My Cultivation

April 17, 2012 |   By a disciple from Inner Mongolia

(Minghui.org) Before I began practicing Falun Dafa, I was very weak and had many kinds of diseases, including heart disease and tracheitis as well as other conditions. As I've progressed on my path of cultivation, I gradually realized how great and magnificent Falun Dafa is. I changed from being shy and inarticulate into a friendly, soft-spoken woman. The miracles I've experienced in my cultivation validate that everything Master has said is true.

A dying 80-year-old woman miraculously recovers

I obtained the Fa on August 20, 1996. After I watched the videotapes of Master's Nine Lectures in Dalian, I heard that my husband’s grandmother was ill and dying. When I went to see her, I said, “I have recovered my health by cultivating in Falun Dafa. Let me read Zhuan Falun to you, and you will recover soon.” Before I finished reading the first lecture, Grandmother could get up and wanted to eat. On the fourth day, she perspired a sticky, yellow “medicinal sweat” that smelled terrible. Great Master cleaned the poison out of her body. As time passed, she felt better and better. After witnessing her miraculous recovery, her two daughters, her son and daughter-in-law, and her second grandson all began to cultivate.

One day while I was riding my bicycle to a Fa conference, three cars suddenly came speeding at me from the front, left, and right, but they stopped just before they hit me. At that moment my mind was blank, and I was not scared. I began to feel afraid only after I got to our Fa-study place.

The room we rented for Fa-study was locked and the key was not there. Another practitioner pushed on the door, but it wouldn't open. Suddenly an idea appeared in my mind that the door would open as soon as the rest of us arrived. With this thought, I touched the door and it opened.

The miracle of giving birth to a child

After I obtained the Fa, I became pregnant. I was not young and, before practicing, had had heart disease. My first pregnancy was very dangerous, but I gave birth to my second child easily. The doctor was very surprised. When I went home, I expelled a large mass that weighed about 1kg from my uterus. My mother said if I had not been a Dafa practitioner, I wouldn't have survived.

Spreading the Fa to prisoners

After I began to cultivate, I experienced many divine powers. I often saw ancient people and their different surroundings. I could also hear sounds from 1500 kilometers away.

When the persecution began in July 1999, I was detained by the police. I spread the Fa to the prisoners. When they understood what Dafa was, they began to follow my example and practice cultivation. One prisoner appeared to have psoriasis all over her body. But she persisted in reciting Hong Yin with me. Several days later her psoriasis healed. Eight days later, I was released.

The miracles I experienced while validating the Fa in Beijing

In September 1999, I went to Beijing to appeal for Dafa. Once while I was on the way to attend a Fa conference, I stumbled over a stone and severely injured my breast. I clenched my teeth to stand up and ignored the pain. Three days later, the pain disappeared. Not only that, I found my humpback gone and I was two inches taller than before!

I went to Tiananmen Square and began to sit in meditation. Some soldiers came toward me. At that moment my thoughts were pure and righteous. When they were two meters away from me, they suddenly stopped and left me alone as if nothing had happened.

Once when I experienced some difficulty, I saw a yellow dragon that led me to find a fellow cultivator. One night in September, I slept in Qianmen, with only a plastic sheet covering me. But it felt like I was sleeping under a glass mantle, and I was very comfortable. I knew Master was protecting me.

Validating the Fa in a forced labor camp

In 2001 while I was imprisoned in a forced labor camp, Master taught practitioners the Fa of sending forth righteous thoughts. As soon as I began to send forth righteous thoughts, I saw that my body was very huge. I immediately stepped out of passively enduring or suffering and repaying karmic debts, and moved toward the great enlightened being that Master wants us to be in Fa-rectification. I knew what I should do and what my mission was.

Once a head of an evil 610 Office sexually harassed a female practitioner. I saw a demon of lust controlling the police in another dimension. I used my divine power to burn the demon to death in a furnace. Later the head of that 610 Office was saved.

In June 2001 the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners was really intense. As I cleaned up the local evil elements, using my divine power I found a den of evil. As I broke into the den, I saw a giant sword falling from the sky. I used the sword to dissolve all the demons into black blood. In other dimensions I'm able to use my divine power at will. I get whatever I need just by holding out my hands.

I saw there were many black snacks at forced labor camps in other dimensions, so I burned them to ash. A policewoman who often persecuted Dafa disciples once kept trying to coerce me to stop practicing the exercises. I saw that a big black fish in another dimension was controlling her. I immediately sent forth righteous thoughts and eliminated the black fish. The policewoman's eyes changed from wicked to gentle, and she even agreed to quit the Communist Party. In the end she helped her husband and children to all quit the CCP.

One day, I saw an evil looking dragon entering a CCP flag, so I burned it. Later from Master’s Fa teaching, I learned that, in another dimension, the CCP is an evil red dragon.

In the spring of 2007, I saw that in another dimension, the incense burner in my home had a finely wrought tripod that covered an entire green mountain. The smoke gathered in all kinds of evil beings, pulling them downwards over the rim. As the incense constantly gathered demons that could not escape, the sky turned bluer and bluer and the clouds became whiter.

Miracles I've experienced

Last year, ten fellow practitioners and I went to rescue a practitioner who was detained. As we sent forth righteous thoughts on the way, I saw the sky split open like a seam. We sat in front of the police station and continued to send forth righteous thoughts. I saw our gong combine into a huge golden mass, flashing with all the colors of the rainbow and rising up to heaven. I was deeply moved by the splendid vision. My heart was melted by Master’s limitless mercy, and tears ran down my cheeks. Two months later, the practitioner was freed.

One day, four practitioners went out to distribute truth clarification flyers. I saw many transparent balls suspended in mid air, and inside each ball was a colorful world. Every place the flyers were handed out looked like daytime, and those places that had not yet received or had refused the flyers were enveloped in darkness. When we finished distributing all the flyers, I heard the honk of a police car. I couldn't move out of the way in time. As I stood in front of the police car holding a truth clarification CD in my hand, I sent forth righteous thoughts, and the police car passed through me as if I were transparent.